whats best way to clean Novatac reflector?


Jul 12, 2007
The Mines of Moria (middle earth)
I fixed the off center reflector that came with my 120T, doing so there's finger prints on the reflector. I gave it a quick warm breath to get it moisty (like how i clean my eyeglasses) then wiped it with paper towel...well....now i see small swirl marks from the paper towel. i dont think it affected the beam but when i look at it closely its there. (im knit picking) whats the best way to clean it? hot soapy water and dry it with 100% cotton towel??...or alcohol??....do they sell the reflectors yet?
If you wiped it with a paper towel, its now the way it is going to remain. Reflector surfaces are very finicky.. No way to get the swirls out now.. Sorry.. Someone else will surely chime in with more input..

Gordon aka:skillet

PS Don't touch it no more..
If you used paper towel it's probably scratched as paper towel is pretty rough on a reflector. You can try the other methods as cleaning reflectors is pretty dicey anyhow. If it doesn't affect the beam I'd leave it alone. If you can't live with it try cleaniing it and if that doesn't work order another from NovaTac. Good luck.

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