Whats next from eagletac?

IMO, their dealers ain't doing a very good job at all in terms of gaining attention.
I haven't heard of any news regarding Eagletac's products since 4sevens stopped being their dealer.

I heard from months ago there's this M2SC4, it looks exactly like the M2XC4 but i have nfi what's the difference.
IMO, their dealers ain't doing a very good job at all in terms of gaining attention.
I haven't heard of any news regarding Eagletac's products since 4sevens stopped being their dealer.

I heard from months ago there's this M2SC4, it looks exactly like the M2XC4 but i have nfi what's the difference.

It is using an MC-E insteed of the P7. Like you said, they have been doing a poor job marketing. I have no idea what the difference is.
Selfbuilt has reviewed both of these lights. You will find all of your questions answered therein.
I know Selfbuilt did an awesome review on the M2XC4, but I didn't know he also reviewed the M2SC4. Can you give me a link to it please?
Selfbuilt has a page on the web with all of his reviews on it. Just search the web for "selfbuilt flashlight reviews" and you will hit it.
I also have Selfbuilt's review page in my bookmark, but I just fail to see a M2SC4 review from him. Maybe its just me.:whistle:
Selfbuilt has reviewed both of these lights. You will find all of your questions answered therein.

Selfbuilt has a page on the web with all of his reviews on it. Just search the web for "selfbuilt flashlight reviews" and you will hit it.

Its in my bookmarks so I'll save you the 2 secs
Just a friendly reminder to CPF members...

Suggestion: Sig Line Torches confuse searches.

I just read about this the other day...

It's super easy to do your sig line in MS Paint, upload to Photobucket & insert an image in your signature that has text but doesn't affect the search.

To the OP

I love my EagleTac lights and hope to see new lights with the newer LED's on them driven hard. I'd really love to see an MC-E/SST-50/SSC-P7 light with a different form factor than the current M2xxx light; that while they undoubtedly perform very well, I find kind of awkward with the huge head. Maybe I just need to handle one before passing judgement.

I kind of get them not throwing out a new model with every new bump in LED Bin and waiting until LED's with very significant(to the general less informed consumer)improvements in brightness/efficiency are available.

I really hope they are not in a any kind of downfall; there lights have a lot to offer and are hard not to like.
Rumor has it that there will be some new Eagletacs coming out maybe as soon as next month!!
Flashlightsngear mentions in his Christmas giveaway thread that new models will be available for preorder soon:thumbsup:
What do you want?
Lets say the XR-E is on the way out...
An M2XC4 with 7 xp-c
M2XC4 with 4 xp-e
M2XC4 with 3 xp-g

of if EagleTac wants to phase out the multiple diode emitters.
So an M2SC4 with SST-50 for throw bias, or SST-90 for flood bias.

I just want a neutral-white P100C2 with xp-g, but will probably have to wait until March for that.

Love me some EagleTacs!!!
Notice the T10Pa2 on the end?
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No such luck....:sigh:

I used the body of a T10C with the head of the P20A2. Works great and easier to EDC bezel down with the smaller head.:thumbsup:
T100C2 Mark II is a great looking light. I have been more than satisfied with mine. I purchased the smooth reflector and I did not notice any artifacts or rings. EagleTac consistantly puts out high quality products with a great beam! I look forward to what is in the future for some new lights.