What's the brightest 2xCR123 light?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 6, 2008
Doesn't matter what the cost, but I'm looking for the brightest 2xCR123 flashlight there is. The brightest I can find is the Fenix T1 at 225 lumens.
Doesn't matter what the cost, but I'm looking for the brightest 2xCR123 flashlight there is. The brightest I can find is the Fenix T1 at 225 lumens.

That's probably top of the list for a non-custom light, and an affordable price.

However, I have seen a few P60 dropins that claimed 270+ lumens.
The new SF Optimus (200SF lm) and Inviticus (400SF lm) are both 2x CR-123 but you'll have to wait a while since they're both still pre-order.
Doesn't matter what the cost, but I'm looking for the brightest 2xCR123 flashlight there is. The brightest I can find is the Fenix T1 at 225 lumens.

What are you calling the brightest? Looking for flood or throw or a compromise? What about the Wolf Eyes Sniper Q5 LED version? Isn't that one around 250 lumens? If throw is what you mean by brightness wouldn't the Dereelight DBS win?

My suggestions are all followed by question marks because I'm still a little new here and I don't own any of the lights I mentioned above.
What you need to answer first for all of us is whether you want throw or not. If throw is not a concern, then a multi-emitter set-up is going to get you the most lumens. But if throw is an issue, then that will not work. You would want to look at the Dereelight DBS, king of LED throwers.
I am very satisfied with my Tiablo A9. A great thrower but also with an impressing brightness of the "periphery" (don't know the best word just now).

Regards, Patric
i think he wants the absolute brightest, which one has the most overall output regardless of throw or flood. And here, published lumens arent going to mean much.

i want to know too...:huh:

NO, flood or throw is the most important question.

Example: I have a now 1 year old Cree modded light, good spot-to-medium flashlight beam with a Shoppe McR 19 mm reflector.
The Flupic puts some 1 A to the P4 led and till now it has blown all the lights, someone showed to me, out of the water.

Just for curiosity I bought this cheap DX-light: http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.9634
it draws only 650 mA on high and is not nicely made, but the reflector is the most extreme spot I have seen till now in a led light and at some distance, it easily outshines the McR19 light
- but only in the hotspot, everything else it is useless.

without knowing if its flood or spot one is interested in, getting a certain light is useless.
The Solarforce T7 from Lighthound is advertised at 240 lumens, and seems to be a pretty good light. It's slender, and has a couple of small, side-mounted buttons for adjusting output, but the main switch is a tail clicky.

I have a Wolf Eyes premium Q5 drop-in replacement for the Surefire P60. It's advertised at 260 lumens. It's in a G2 now, and I've been happy so far, although usage has been very limited. It will probably get transplanted into a 6PD.

Bigger reflectors should mean better throw, but I was looking for back pocket carry...

Others I've seen advertised, with theoretical lumen figures, include:

Fenix P3D with Q5 215
Fenix T1 with Q5 225
Regalight WT1 220
Tiablo MA6 with Q5 210
Wolf Eyes Fox 1X Q5 260
Lumapower Hunter MRV Digital 220
Lumapower Hunter MRV SE 265
Tiablo A8 / A9 Q5 250
NO, flood or throw is the most important question.
... without knowing if its flood or spot one is interested in, getting a certain light is useless.
+1. Overall output is important but sometimes a light that throws may appear 'brighter' than a light with more flood... Whether a light has throw or flood may affect your decision despite the overall output numbers.

I tend to look for lights with more flood and decent throw but I have been looking to add a pure thrower to my collection so... check out this thread which is an excellent review by 'selfbuilt' on throwers as you may find them interesting... http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=190999. Most of the lights can either be run on 2xCR123 or 1x18650 with a couple of exceptions.
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Yea throw and output do not go hand and hand i have a SFKL3 that throws great and it only has like 20 LMs
If you want a nice thrower look at the Tiablo A9S, Q5, 250 lumens, about 128 bucks.
That is what I chose as my LED thrower.:) I'm using the 18650 cell, got it from Lighthound.
The Solarforce T7 from Lighthound is advertised at 240 lumens, and seems to be a pretty good light. It's slender, and has a couple of small, side-mounted buttons for adjusting output, but the main switch is a tail clicky.

.... Others I've seen advertised, with theoretical lumen figures, include:

Fenix P3D with Q5 215
Fenix T1 with Q5 225
Regalight WT1 220
Tiablo MA6 with Q5 210
Wolf Eyes Fox 1X Q5 260
Lumapower Hunter MRV Digital 220
Lumapower Hunter MRV SE 265
Tiablo A8 / A9 Q5 250

Solarforce has an annoying tendency of horribly over-estimating their lumens numbers.... even for a company reporting emitter lumens. My Solarforce L600 is no where near what they claim! Its actual output is close to 225 lumens. That's less than half. Even factoring in the difference compared to emitter lumens, that's just bad. :thumbsdow

Got my Tiablo A9S Q5 yesterday from Lighthound. Can't wait to test it out at work. My job involves patrolling outside. I'm going to see just how far this baby can throw. :cool:
Brightest would probably be one that overdrives the emitter. A strong hotspot would also make one light seem brighter then another.

From that, I would say the Dereelight DBS with a digital pill or the malkoff M60.