I've been craving a simpler light recently, one with a single output and common battery. I want it to be well made, reliable and look nice. I'll be using it for bushwalking mostly. This led me to the Inova X2, it seems to fit the bill. Does anyone have experience with this torch? Is it a good light?
Whenever we've gone out with our torches into the bush I've never found the low modes enough. I've also usually found I like something with a little more throw but still some side spill.
Otherwise what do people recommend with these specs:
- Solid reliable build quality
- 1 x AA or 2 x AA battery
- Single mode of around 50-150 lumens
- Looks good
Whenever we've gone out with our torches into the bush I've never found the low modes enough. I've also usually found I like something with a little more throw but still some side spill.
Otherwise what do people recommend with these specs:
- Solid reliable build quality
- 1 x AA or 2 x AA battery
- Single mode of around 50-150 lumens
- Looks good