Whats with all these ''Tactical' lights ?


Dec 7, 2005
Connecticut USA
Every light seems to reference 'tactical' in some way shape or form.! If it's marketed to police or military I can see it. So for us flashlight guys whos tactics mostly involve pop tart hunting at 2am, whats the draw to these lights.?

My best buddy is a state police tactical team leader and doesnt know sh$@ about lights. Has has Surfires on his weapons but other than that he thinks im juts for knowing as much as I do about lights.

Now the only two tactical featurs that are usable in a consumer light are protruding swith and momentary on IMHO.

Any other opinions on this tactical stuff ?
So for us flashlight guys whos tactics mostly involve pop tart hunting at 2am,

:crackup::crackup: the kitchen gets dangerous at night , its prime time for the spiders & other creepy crawlies
Tactical lights not for military or law enforcement use are still favored by us Mall Ninjas :lolsign:
This is a re-occurring question - tactical, practical or tacti-cool.

Basically the word "tactical" is the new black for advertising and marketing.

As to whether or not a product has legitimate tactical value is typically a decision of the user, not the ad copy of people who probably have no idea what they're talking about.

This is a re-occurring question - tactical, practical or tacti-cool.

Basically the word "tactical" is the new black for advertising and marketing.

As to whether or not a product has legitimate tactical value is typically a decision of the user, not the ad copy of people who probably have no idea what they're talking about.


You nailed it right on the head. For most people (including me) the tactical lights have a different UI or certain features that we find more useful, or perferable. Regardless if we are a tactical user or not.
"Tactical" suggests that it is rugged and reliable so it provides a good selling point for more expensive lights.Of course as previously suggested it is also very appealing to the mall ninjas.Lastly there are some who actually need tactical lights for professional use or self defense and outside of CPF they are probably the majority of the people willing to pay premium prices for flashlights
You nailed it right on the head. For most people (including me) the tactical lights have a different UI or certain features that we find more useful, or perferable. Regardless if we are a tactical user or not.

For me it means no BS. I know what mode it'll turn on when I click the switch. No fumbling through other modes. Quick flash capability for those "What was that over there? Oh just a leaf." :ohgeez: moments. And most importantly, knowing where the switch is at all times.
I dont discriminate... if it emits light it competes for my attention, regardless how its marketed.

Limiting oneself only to lights that are marketed as "tactical" is foolish. There are good and bad choices across the spectrum, its more a matter of knowing ones preferences, and picking a design that meets those criteria.
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I used to think of "tactical" as an empty marketing term intended to boost sales (perhaps to appeal to those tacti-cool buyers). And to some extent this seems to happen. Not all manufacturers/dealers use it as such, but some do.

However, I've noticed with time that "tactical" is taking on a useful meaning, and becoming a worthwhile descriptor. While this word may not necessarily be in accordance with ideal military use, it does generally have a rough consistency in meaning. Specifically, when you see a flashlight described as "tactical", there's at least a good chance it'll have one or more features often associated with this descriptor (e.g., momentary/twisty, few modes, crenelations). That's not to say that the light will definitely have one or more of these features, but there's a good chance of it.

So since "tactical" seems in many cases to actually provide a useful description of the product, I'm fine with it sticking around. And I'm quite happy with of my "tactical" lights.
Generic Torch = $10
Generic Torch + Tactical written on the box = $15

End of story.
From what I see,

Tactical = Less modes, easier to use UI
Non-tac = Thousands of modes, have to memorise complicated UI
Direct access to high mode, momentary activation and enough output to blind someone. And you have a tactical light...
Some good replies here.

This is a general discussion, so I'm moving it from LED Flashlights to General.
i can't wait for decorative Christmas lights that come with "tactical" features. hmmm, SOS mode would be useful (where's my presents?)!!
Sadly, the term "tactical" has become a marketing tool. What they should say it the flashlight is just plain cool, and belongs in every home.
Sadly, the term "tactical" has become a marketing tool. What they should say it the flashlight is just plain cool, and belongs in every home.

Almost like the word "industrial." industrial grade this and that. it is sad that the marketing tactics now focus on making it a need for the common user to have something that is supposed to be for a professional. and therfore, the standard for the word professional has been lowered, alot. It is a shame that the world has become so centered around people wanting to make their damn dollar. but anyways, pretty much everything that has been said above is correct. i do not think i have ever seen so many correct people in a row. :)

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