where can I get 3aa to D holders?


Newly Enlightened
Jun 16, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA
Hi all,
I'm trying to make a ROP mod out of a two cell D maglite. I would like to do this using NiMh AA's which I have tons of. Anyone know where can I buy those converter tubes that are the size of a single D cell but fit 3 AA's inside?

I would like to try and do this while retaining the tailcap spring/'spare bulb if that is possible.

Thanks in advance
Anyone happen to know where I can find some 3AA --> 1D in parallel connection adaptors? You know, so I can load up lithium AA's into a m*g etc.,
I remember somewhere had them available at one time :confused:
stump up and get a five mega 6xAA adapter.
most if not all 3x AA to D adapters I've seen are junk!
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thanks for the quick replies guys. It seems there are a few 8aa-2d converters out there. Would this work? I know that the one donshock was recommending runs parallel so I could just put 3 batteries each in two of them to bet the 6d voltage equivalent required for the pelican big D bulb. but

1. Would the bulb work being overdriven to 12v or would it just blow up?

2. With the efficiancy losses implied in these adaptors, would using 7aa's equate to 6 D's or am I grossly overestimating the losses?

3. Also, is the Pelican Big D the most powerful potted bulb I can run? I hear mention of welch-allyn, carley, osram, etc. I am not familiar with any of these. I am not worried about battery life, I am just trying to make the brightest (2-3D) maglite body I can without soldering and machining.
What about the "9AA to 3D NiMH white adapters to power up an WA1185 or WA1331" conversion for a 3D body?

Thanks again all,
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8AA-2D adapters work great for the ROP bulbs, but only with 7 cells and a dummy in the 8th spot. A couple of caveats though: Make sure to let the cells rest a bit after charging. 7 cells is right at the limit of the ROP bulbs and the higher voltage they have fresh off the charger can blow the bulb. Also, the stock Mag body needs to be bored out to accommodate the 4 across setup of the 8aa-2D adapters. If you have an old MagD, without a D in the serial number, it will fit. But not in most of the Mags made for the last several years which have a D in the serial number.

Using the parallel adapters won't work for the ROP. You need serial adapters to get the 6 cell lineup for the ROP.
I'm looking at the 5mega adaptors and they look very high quality but I have a couple questions.
1. How do you change the batteries in them? It doesn't look like they pop in or out (maybe I'm wrong though). Can the user change the batteries in the housing quickly and without tools?

2. It looks to be set up to charge as a pack, what kind of charger would be required for this?

I use NiMh AA's in the little motorola radios I use at work and would like to make a ROP that uses these. I charge the batteries loose in a couple of monster 4aa chargers.

Thanks for the info Don. I only have recent mag bodies, so it probably wouldn't fit.

Thanks again.
Thanks for that link! 4AA... :thinking: that won't fit in a mag though will it? If I use only 3 AA's in that particular adaptor, will that allow it to fit?
I personally have never used them, but I recall other people mentioning using 3 cells only to fit in an unbored Mag.

I'm looking at the 5mega adaptors....How do you change the batteries in them?...what kind of charger would be required for this.....
The FM packs come with a plug that is used to charge the entire pack at once using a charger like this. However, you still have to solder the plug onto the charger wires. Although it is possible to use the alligator clips that come with the charger to clip onto the pack and still charge it all at once, it's easier to use the plug.
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you can make a charging clamp that holds up 12cell holders. click on link in my sig
Thanks for that link! 4AA... :thinking: that won't fit in a mag though will it? If I use only 3 AA's in that particular adaptor, will that allow it to fit?

I have some of these (from a recent Group buy) and 4 x Energizers fit in a Mag, but not 4x Hybrios. 3 x Hybrios fit fine.

Note - the ones in the group buy required a slight mod to allow the +ve 'button' to make contact - the recess is to small diameter for the buttons on most cells. I remedied mine with a blob of solder.

cy said:
stump up and get a five mega 6xAA adapter.
most if not all 3x AA to D adapters I've seen are junk!

I have both the 'cheap' ones and the fivemega, and I agree that the FM is the better for high current lamps (ROP high), however the LITEmania ones are fine for lower current/output e.g. 2D Mag with 5cell Mag lamp (poor mans ROP), or Terralux 6EX.
wait, if i get the 4aa->d cell battery converter it makes 1.2v but with a capacity of 4aa or is it 4x1.2v=4.8v?

The 4AA -> D holder stacks the AA's up in parallel so the voltage stays the same.

Thanks robm for the info that 4 alkalines seem to fit in this adaptor and in a m*g. Might be a cool adaptor to have around after all.
Thanks robm for the info that 4 alkalines seem to fit in this adaptor and in a m*g. Might be a cool adaptor to have around after all.

The Energizers I used were rechargeables rather than alkalines. I have also just tried Eneloops, and they don't fit, even 3 x ...
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Yeah, the Aventrade 4AA-to-1D do work with 3AAs in an unbored Mag, but it's still can be a really tight fit. I wish someone made an actual 3AA-to-1D parallel converter. I think I've read about people modding the 3AA-to-1D series adapter to work as parallel.
The Energizers I used were rechargeables rather not alkalines. I have also just tried Eneloops, and they don't fit, even 3 x ...

Well, I'll scrap that idea then :thinking:
We need a top quality 3AA --> D parallel adaptor by fivemega in the $12-$15 each price range :grin2: Basically for loading up standard M*g's with AA lithiums or Eneloops.

Then I'd be going :paypal:
dx has these that run 2aa in parallel. i cannot imagine fitting problem as the batteries doesnt stick out

dx has these that run 2aa in parallel. i cannot imagine fitting problem as the batteries doesnt stick out


Yeah, I got a batch of those from some dude in Canada...they're not bad. Certainly better than a 1AA-to-1D adapter. I've got some in my Malkoff 3D Mag right now and they work fine. Still, I wish I could get an actual 3AA-to-1D parallel adapter. Someone here at CPF with the ability and resources should consider making some...