Where do I find high current AA NiMH batteries?


May 13, 2007
Melbourne, Australia

I'm after some high current output NiMH AA's. I've search and found that CP1650's are the most recommended but CBP is not stocking them anymore. They were out of stock for weeks and have now been removed from their site completely. Amondotech Power Max 1800mAh were the next best and I can only find them at the Amondotech website which is trying to charge $37USD postage for 12 cells to Australia... There's no way i'd pay $37 postage from the US when FM can post for under $10. So does anyone know of another source or a way of me buying them but not having to pay the ridiculous postage costs?

Also, I just bought some Sanyo 2700's on eBay... Would these be any good for ROP or 100W Osram hotwire?

Thanks in advance :)
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Try looking locally for Kodak 2500Nimh (green wrappers)

they are matsushita/panasonic OEM and seem comperable to the sanyo/eneloop.

where i bought them they were among the least expensive in the selection, but i got lucky and found some good ones, instead of buying junk at a junk price.
Here my friend, call them up they will help you with choosing a high discharge cell. They are based in QLD, unless they have moved...

+61 7 3351 0700

They have crap cells on their webpage. I am not sure if they have any AA cells that can do more than 3C. So call them up they may have new cells.

Other choices available locally are Sanyo Eneloop, GP(kmart), Vapextech, Powerex, and of course the Sanyo you bought. These are not as good as the CBP1650 in terms of high discharge rate but they are certainly better than most cheapos.
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Thanks for the replies.

AFAustin... For international orders via their site you have to fill in a form first, then they get back to your with the postage costs. It was going to be $22 for the batteries and $37 for postage.

So the Eneloops are decent for high discharge rates as well as long shelf life? I thought they were meant to be like most others except they have a lower discharge rate when not being used.

Ideally, i'd like to use the CBP1650 or Titanium 1800's, so if anyone else knows of other sources, i'm interested :)
I was trying to order some... emailed Amondotech but got asked to fill in the form on the web site (even though I had provided the same details they were requesting in the email).

Heard nothing... several days (not including the weekend) have passed - would like to order some batteries but seems 'difficult'. Many other sellers (Lighthound as a good example) will calculate the total cost and show available shipping options.

Must be costing Amondotech some orders... :caution:
Yeah, it took them 5 days to email me back and in that time I ordered the Sanyo 2700's as temp batteries while I looked for proper high discharge ones.
So the Eneloops are decent for high discharge rates as well as long shelf life? I thought they were meant to be like most others except they have a lower discharge rate when not being used.

The Eneloops perform quite well for high discharge, according to this thread NiMh Battery Shoot Out by SilverFox, in which he makes the comment "Did you notice that at 10 amps the voltage is still holding above 1.0 volts?"

Norm... So you paid the store it's postage to Unforgiven's address, then paid Unforgiven postage plus his $6 fee? How much did postage(+fee) end up in total? I just looked at Amondotech's postage to Missouri and it comes out as $9.50, then $6, plus whatever Missouri to Melbourne is... Looks like it'd work out around half the price of Amondo's direct shipping to Melbourne. Still paying $22 for item and $20 or so for postage... It's a bit ridiculous :)

digitor... I might just have to stick to some Enelops then since they are decent at high discharge as well. They're quite easily accessable over here anyway.
I know what SilverFox's chart shows for the Eneloop high current performance, but IMHO, they just don't come close to the old CBP1650's or Titanium 1800's when brightness is compared side by side.
It makes it very hard when CBP1650's aren't sold anymore and the Titanium 1800's cost more in postage than the actual item :(

I will try out the Sanyo 2700's that are already on their way, Eneloop as work can buy them for me :D, and have a look for some of the GP270AAHC's.
It makes it very hard when CBP1650's aren't sold anymore and the Titanium 1800's cost more in postage than the actual item :(

I will try out the Sanyo 2700's that are already on their way, Eneloop as work can buy them for me :D, and have a look for some of the GP270AAHC's.

I understand. Do you know how much it would cost if someone bought them here for you and mailed them? I'm sure one of us would do that to help you out. I got two Europeans to get some of the Voltcraft charging cradles to send to me, so I know what it's like to get fellow CPF helping you out. Let us know if you want to try doing that.
If the Sanyo 2700 are good for 7.5A - then with 9 of them it should be good for about 100w?

I also wanted to try out some high-discharge cells but they seem hard to come by (or you cannot get the supplier to give you a quote for International shipping).

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