Where/how to buy Weldex lights?


Mar 30, 2013
Another post mentioned this brand, and rather than take that thread off topic, I decided to start a new one.

I took a look at the Weldex website, and they offer a light fixture that is of interest to me, the WDRL-5003BP reversing lamp. However, neither their website nor Google can point me in the direction of anyone who sells this unit.

Any ideas? thanks
That's a really good question. They seem to make some quality lamps, but they also seem to make them very difficult to actually buy. I think they might be mostly set up to supply OEMs and just not have the aftermarket in mind much.
I think, always difficult but.. Weldex is an OEM only selling directly to manufactures of products. Automotive, heavy equipment, etc. I could
be and have been wrong before. So I guess the question is, how/where did you come across WDRL-5003BP?
Given the parameters of the lamp you're looking at (a surface-mountable LED add-on reversing lamp), and the difficulty getting hold of Weldex lamps, you might consider going with a different brand. I'd probably use this Peterson Lumen-X lamp (a single lamp meets FMVSS108 requirements, which means its output is at least double the minimum requirement), mounted using this bracket.
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mounted using this bracket.
Thanks, Virgil. I found that bracket, and many similar, during my earlier quest. Unfortunately, they're all an inch (plus) larger in the X and Y dimensions than the Weldex, and that's room I don't have in the intended location - to the left of the license plate on a 2002 Silverado rear bumper.

edit: I looked again at the Weldex line drawings, and it turns out it's the same 5.5" +/- as the Peterson, etc bracket would be. None of them will fit. Time to rethink this.
That Y dimension bars pretty much all the ones I would have recommended. Maybe change your mount location to elsewhere on the bumper, where there's more room?