Where to buy Eneloop's in the US?


Dec 3, 2006
Are there any stores in the US (Target, Walmart, ect.) that carry eneloop batteries? How about Hybrids? thanks.
Walmart has the Hybrids, and I have seen the Hybrids w/charger packs at Target, and the Hybrids separately at a couple Targets, but not in most yet.
I think everyone has already listed the available places, just wanted to let you know that Sanyo has a site for eneloop and that they do have a "Where to Buy" section at http://www.eneloopcontest.com/where.html

And it would appear that hhgregg might have been excluded from that list.

nightstalker101 said:
Are there any stores in the US (Target, Walmart, ect.) that carry eneloop batteries? How about Hybrids? thanks.
If there are any hhgreg stores near you try in the store, there were some reporting a lower price and I found one store pricing them at $6.99 for 4 AAA's and 7.99 for 4 AA's. They would come up wrong when scanned so they had to price correct them but gave me the marked price.
The marked prices on my Eneloop cells from HHGregg were $7.99 and $9.99 :(

At the prices on their site, I'll have future Eneloops shipped (as long as they continue offering free shipping) even though there's an HHGregg on my way home from work. We have 8% sales tax in our county . . .

Thanks for the heads up Dan!

Edit: Well, never mind the sales tax savings. They must charge sales tax if you live in a state where they have a store. :(
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That's what I would recommend. I own several of their chargers, my favorite being the MH-C800S.
For 2000 - 2100 mAh cells, that charger should be fine. But, Maha recommends (in the C9000 manual) that you charge cells between .5C and 1C (C=total rated capacity of the cell).

The fast mode on the 401FS gets cells too hot, period. The slow mode charges @ 300 mA, which is .15C. So, your charging quite a bit below the recommended .5 C level. Some will argue that it charges fine on slow mode even well below .5C.

Previously, I used it to charge 2700 mAh Sanyo cells, and it seemed to work fine. After a few charges, the middle cells would continue charging for quite a bit longer than the outer 2. The cells were all used in the same device, so I doubt the middle 2 were drained further than the outer 2. It could have been that these cells were missing charge termination, but I can't prove that.

If you go with the C401FS, I'd suggest not using fast mode.

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