Where to find clear plastic dome to protect Cree's?


Dec 8, 2006
Vancouver BC
I need a hard clear acrylic or polycarbonate 180º dome to cover a Cree LED. So that the whole LED, Star base and all, is protected from the elements. Any ideas? I'm thinking those bubbles in vending machines - but they are too soft, not a true dome (has ring distortion in it) and no base flange...

Any ideas? Any off the shelf item I could take a dome from? Some egg timer, alarm clock, dollar store junk etc.,?
Not bad! :huh: (I was at Electronic Goldmine a few weeks ago looking at their motors...) wow... in red and green too from projection TV's...Their Low Profile Clear Dome looks good too. Pity they don't take paypal. Major PITA to order with money orders and weeks of waiting. :ironic: Still, if this is it... so be it. Thanks! Open to more suggestions...
Surplus Shed has a couple.


One's $4: http://www.surplusshed.com/pages/item/m2090.html
The other's $17.50: http://www.surplusshed.com/pages/item/m2776.html

They take PayPal and have a flat $5 shipping charge.
Thank's Hirudin! More interesting dome options :thumbsup:
I'm contemplating a headlamp build or "black box" emergency light based around the amazing variety of die cast aluminum O-ring sealed project boxes (made in Canada by Hammond Mfg.) that are available. A Cree Star, Arctic Silver epoxied to the side, with a small dome to protect it is the idea here...
These big domes would be good with 3 Cree clusters.