where to get Scorpion and Ultra?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 7, 2003
I want to get both of this in the same place so I can save some with shipping. so far I couldn't find any website that carry both of them. Maybe I'll just ask my fellow flasholics...
Ultra 23.95
Scorpion 35.95

not a very good price...wait they're very expensive from what I have seen...

any other places?
thanks I think I'll give them a try...

I got my Z3 from them too.
I can vouch for Brightguy. Shipping is $5 from Ohio to the East Coast, and everything I've ordered came in correctly and in two days. Worlds apart from the service (or lack thereof) I got from my two Botach orders.

His prices are better than the ones I've seen in stores: REI wants $27 for the Ultra, and Bass Pro/Outdoor World wants $40 for the Stinger. Gunshops always want more
Then again Texas Tactical Supply had Ultras for $13 (they are out of stock currently). And Scorpions for $33. The total would be the same as Botach overall. I would order from TTS hands down before rolling the dice with Botach. Countycomm also has Ultra-Gs for $15. I don't know about Scorpions though. The prices were recently dropped by CMG over the past month.

REI is full retail. I would never buy something from them if I could find it on-line. Also, Gun Shops are not always more. Arizona Gun Runners is a Gun Shop and lots of board members have used them for lights.
I meant actual, physical Gun Shops, not retailers who also sell firearms. I usually see 20-50% markup for the most mundane of tools and an arrogance/ignorance regarding customer service. I don't go to Dive Shops or Gun Shops anymore looking for flashlights.
Update: just ordered 2 Ultras from TTS for $15 each. They have them in stock, but not up on the website.
Unless you're gonna take a hike to Pine/Strawberry, (trust me, its in the boonies!) the only place you're going see Gary is at Gun Shows. He really isn't retail at all.

So, yes, I'll give you 98% of gun dealers/stores suck for flashlights, but they also suck for guns too! But, I'd say its no different than the whole retail community for all products!

I'd rather do the research myself on what I'd like to buy using peoples' experiences on forums just like this than go in blind to some retail store and ask a salesman, "What should I buy?" Can you say, "cha-ching?!"

Really, where its at is prices and selection. Throw in service related to order fulfillment and return/exchange management. If its legal for me to buy it over the internet, I prefer it. I rarely go into brick and mortar stores unless I want to see and touch it first. No crowds, traffic, nor clueless pimply faced teenage salespersons to deal with.

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