Where to get SSC P4 on 17.50mm board?


Sep 9, 2007
WA State
Out of curiosity, I got Home Depots Husky's Alunium 2C 1W Luxon torch, it was only $15. I want to mod it, but it has a odd 17.50mm star and it's held in with screws. The soldering & wires look like poo :thumbsdow

Anyone know where to get a SSC P4 star like that? or should I just get a bare emitter?

You could probably de-solder the emitter and solder in a new one.

I haven't seen any on a 17.5mm round board.
is it just as sinple as desoldering? isn't the emitter thermal bonded, whatever, to the alunium star/heatsink/PCB?
It kind of looks like the emitter is not mounted on that 17.5mm board. Looks like the 17.5mm has a hole for the emitter to pass through & is mounted on the heatsink below the board.

I too say unsolder the emitter & pop it off. Even if it is bonded, it's just a luxeon, cheap to replace if needed. Break it off even if you have to do it in pieces. I have many times.
what & where do i get the artic thermal silver stuff to remount it, if needed. I want to get some anyways to make a Q5 or SSC P4 track light.
I'd say AA because it's cheaper(I've heard there wasn't much of a difference in performance). You'll need the epoxy. Make sure there is enough AA to keep the Seoul's base isolated.
You can also get AA here :http://www.svc.com/thermal-compound.html

If you are placing the SSC on a board...you do not usually have to worry about isolating the base ( base is positive..and can make a direct short to negative.not a good thing! ) Most boards are already isolated. If you are going directly onto the aluminum of the flashlight you must isolate the base-or buy your SSC from Phontonfanatic. He sells a new SSC in the marketplace that does not have a hot positive base.
yeah, i was hoping this torch used standard stars..but nope =\

I had some P4's left over from anotehr mod, thought i would just use them. is it possible to take the P4 off of the stars I have, and trans plant?