Which AA LED lights currently owned are your favorites?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 16, 2020
My two favorites now are Coast and Thrunite Archer 2A V3
4Sevens Quark Pro 2A- has 0.2, 4, 22, 85, 246 lumen settings
Fenix L2D Q5 (also have L1D, P2D bodies, and L1/2T tailcap- can use 1AA, 2AA, 1 123A batteries, and reverse clickie or tactical tailcap)
While I love ,y Streamlight 1L/1AA, I never run it without CR123s if I can avoid it. I'm really liking the new Mini Maglite Pro - 332 lumens is really bright!
Peak El Capitan and Convoy T3 titanium.


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Focusworks E2. Modified it with a new reflector, Nichia 519a, 4500k tint, and programmable firmware. Love the fact that it has got to be the easiest to modifify light I own, and Focusworks finishing of the body is on par with any of my customs.
Probably my Ultratac A3 modded with 4000k 519a. Great light and pretty bright on a 14500. For non-production lights I have a FM 18500 body running an omnivore drop in but the driver is only alright (convoy 12 mode). Would like a driver that can fully utilize the li-ion cells while also being able to handle AA and NiMH as well.

Close second would be Thrunite TH20 with your choice of 3535 led. I have one with a 3500k LH351D and one with a 4000k 219B. Both are great but they have been relegated to backup status as they compete with a Wizard Nichia and a Emisar DW4 headlamps.
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