Which C cells for battery pack rebuild?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 5, 2003
The crazy guy next door
I have three expired battery packs for my X990. At around $120 each for new ones, I'll be fixing the old ones. ;) The original packs are 10x 4500mah C cells, which give a 70 minute run time. (slightly less than 1C discharge)

I would like to use higher capacity cells, on the other hand, I don't want to sacrifice shelf life or cycle life for it. I'm looking at the C cells from Battery Junction. Do you think the 6000mah "Titanium" batteries are more "fragile" than the "Tenergy" 5000mah cells? Would the higher capacity cells have less cycle life and higher self discharge similar to AA cells?

Also, are the AccuEvolution 4500mah cells true LSD cells...and therefore, the "strongest" cells?

...or are they all more or less the same? :D
I'm also betting they are subC nimh cells. time to open up one of the packs and take a look around to make sure.
No, they're full on C cells - 4500mah stock from about 8-10 years ago. It's a big sucker. :laughing: The X990 uses close to 4 amps when running, so they were marked pretty accurately. I'd take a pic but I can't currently find where I hid the battery pack shells...
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my testing takes forever because it is just USE, but again my accuEvol (or whatever the frill you call them) batts just left another set of china junk back in the dust.

when it comes to blowing money out my . . . i mean, go with the accuevollution things, the other stuff is sucking worse and worse everyday. (bearwobble.com has the price right on them)

Damn the junk i got another rack of $$$ bricks again. cant believe it i got the 12A CTA Dcells , they are at 50% now even after trying to revive them , the accuevols are at 90+% and they havent been charged in months.
this is rediculous, one battery rated way higher is now useless, one battery costing some $2 more (big woop) not only blows it away but also blows it away without even being charged again :eek:

those are the Ds, but i have been using 3x C accuevols in simple light thing and they are still doing wonderfully, amasingly wonderfully.

i can safely stake my money on them things, untill they are cloned :confused: and i am getting something else in that package. the same Phhhht yes its all the same just like a $100 bill and a $5 doller bill they are both paper :) and i wish i could get the $100 back because it wasnt worth $5 :)

let me point out that when used in series, time and time again we have attempted to demonstrate that UNISON discharge that can reduce reverse charge kicks butt :)
if the capacity is highly similar even if it is less, and it is similar over the time it is used (LSD) then they will die (end of charge) more similarly.
If the device is capable of incurring any reverse charge , having LSD cell items that are at almost the same capacity today and almost the same in capacity when the batteries are discharged a month later . . . well then the pack is gonna last a lot longer.
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