Which EDC size CREE lights have good flood


Newly Enlightened
Sep 9, 2005
I was going to pull the trigger on a SF L1 but after looking at some beam shots I dont like its tight beam. I would be interested in seeing beam shots of a Milky L1 with massive flood if anyone has some.

I was looking at some beam shots of an L4 and liked what I saw.

Which EDC size lights have good flood like the L4 (wide hot spot with lots of flood) have a Cree or similar updated LED, and have high and low? High should be 80+ Lumen

Does such a light exsist yet, or should I wait a while if something else interesting will be out soon?
among others, the Novatac maybe? although its user interface is not as simple and intuitive as a SF L1, but its more versatile (how much more depends on the model: edc, T or P)

i am deciding between a SF L1 and a Novatac at the moment, i have been advised to wait for the new HDS too. do a search on those names.
McGizmo's PD Mule is by far the flood king. See the posts about it in the McGizmo forum. There are no more new ones left but there was a fairly plentiful supply compared with other McGizmo lights, so they are not so hard to buy on BST if you want one.
Thanks for the suggestions.
I cant do a $400 light though.

The search function is not working for some reason. Ill check into the HDS later when search is working again.
You could simply get the torch of your choice with any beam pattern and then put a diffuser over it. I just got an F04 for my L1 and it's very nice and even flood.
I got my L1 cree today, and with the F04 diffuser you got a really floody light! The L4 still kick butt cmpared in brightness, but you have the choice of narrow and floody beam with the L1 and a diffuser!
Yeah, but nothing compares to the big Lux V die behind a shallow reflector for that wall of light PLUS decent sized hot spot
Thanks for the suggestions.
I cant do a $400 light though.

The search function is not working for some reason. Ill check into the HDS later when search is working again.
The poor man's Mule is the Zebralight H50 removed from its headband bracket. 3 levels of pure flood, top level comparable to the Mule. None of those diffuser solutions come anywhere near it.
I have a mild diffuser on both a Fenix P2D and a LiteFlux LF3. The LiteFlux gives the better flood. My LF3 is nice and small and would EDC easily.
You could simply get the torch of your choice with any beam pattern and then put a diffuser over it. I just got an F04 for my L1 and it's very nice and even flood.

Forgive the newbie question, but what is an F04? I am in the same boat as this guy in wanting a strong, floody beam. How do these diffusers work?
McGizmo's PD Mule is by far the flood king. See the posts about it in the McGizmo forum. There are no more new ones left but there was a fairly plentiful supply compared with other McGizmo lights, so they are not so hard to buy on BST if you want one.
I don't see what's so special about the Mule (besides it being a McG light) or what makes it such an undisputed flood king. It's just a bare LED with no optics. Heck, I've been doing that for months, starting with Luxeons.

http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=132171 (See post #23.)
Don't see why the light has to be a Cree. Tough to beat a SF L4 when it comes to flood. (You could.... But good luck finding something the same size, or for less money).

But if two output levels is important to you, get a SF L2.
Don't forget to look at Fenix or Lumapower single cell "123" lights as an edc choice. They don't have to be Cree's to be effective EDC torches. I personally EDC the LM 31 (AA) or the LM33 (CR123A) and cannot fault them. They are more a flood than spot, but I think they are fantastic!:thumbsup:
You can always try to find an Old TW4 head which is an L4 that was selected for lower voltage and would run on a single cell pretty well. With the better rechargeable 123 cells today you can use a standard L4 head on a single cell body (KL1 or Vital Gear 1 cell) and have it run at full brightness for a decent time and have a much smaller package. I have carried the single cell L4 set up for a long time and simply love the performance to size ratio.

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