Hello everybody this is my first post in CPF. I own a few flashlights already but they are non led maglites (3d, 2AA, and solitaire). I have swapped out the bulb in the 3D for the brightest one I could get, but this a large flashlight and I would like to get something more modern, brighter, and able to fit in my pocket. I was at my buddies house the other day and he took an led out of his pocket and shined it in my eyes and I was very impressed by the brightness in such a small light. He said he got it from Wal-mart in the $20 dollar range so I'm sure I can show him up by buying something online. I'm willing to spend whatever is necessary to get an excellent pocket light and would really appreciate an advice that I can get. I've read many reviews but there are so many conflicting opinions. Is there a light out there thats considered the best? I've seen the quark 123, surefires, and the arcAAA premium online and they all look pretty good but I'm sure you guys will know whats best. Thank you. I love getting new gear!!