Which flashlight should I buy?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 22, 2010
Hello everybody this is my first post in CPF. I own a few flashlights already but they are non led maglites (3d, 2AA, and solitaire). I have swapped out the bulb in the 3D for the brightest one I could get, but this a large flashlight and I would like to get something more modern, brighter, and able to fit in my pocket. I was at my buddies house the other day and he took an led out of his pocket and shined it in my eyes and I was very impressed by the brightness in such a small light. He said he got it from Wal-mart in the $20 dollar range so I'm sure I can show him up by buying something online. I'm willing to spend whatever is necessary to get an excellent pocket light and would really appreciate an advice that I can get. I've read many reviews but there are so many conflicting opinions. Is there a light out there thats considered the best? I've seen the quark 123, surefires, and the arcAAA premium online and they all look pretty good but I'm sure you guys will know whats best. Thank you. I love getting new gear!!
I love my SureFires but IMO their strongest suit is in mid-sized lights and up. If you want to try one, you just can't beat the 6P and a high-performance LED drop-in.

Regarding your query for a pocket light, the Quarks seem to have had very good feedback here. I find my 2xAAA penlight (not a Quark) to be a perfect form factor for my uses, but others have their opinions on this of course.
:welcome: BTW.
If you dont care about money and need something small and powerfull, get a CR123 powered one (single or 2 cells).
So many possibilities and so many opinions. One or two battery lights will both fit in a pocket. Type of battery may be important to you. Also, what is the maximum you'd spend? Do you just want the brightest, or something with multi-levels or even programming? These questions might help narrow the responses you get. There really is no "best" light, but there are lots of good ones. Good luck in your quest.

Brandon82,you are in luck.There are dozens of low to moderate cost flashlights these days that you will be very impressed with .Most anything Quark or Fenix should be awesome. Check out a few websites and see what looks good to you .Good luck and let us know which one you buy .
If you can spend around $150 maybe less if you shop smartly get the Surefire E1B, if your talking <$100 look at Fenix, Quark, Eagletac or Jetbeam. If you have any other requirement or want certain options post it and maybe we can help narrow down your search, it can turn more into a quest quickly even with help.

Just be to continue researching and post any questions you have from that.
I'm thinking about the Quark 123² R5, Quark AA² R5, Fenix Digital PD30+ Black Finish, or maybe the Fenix TK11 or 12. It seems with Surefire that you get a little less bang for your buck. I'm torn between the AA and 123 models because I have many eneloop AA batteries and a great lacrosse charger for them but the 123 flashlights are brighter and smaller. Are there any recommended 123 chargers and batteries or should I just go with one of the AA model flashlights?
if you already have eneloop aa's and charger, I think you'd be amazed at how bright a light you can get using them! highly rec checking out Quark 123^2 over at 4seasons.com.
I'm thinking about the Quark 123² R5, Quark AA² R5, Fenix Digital PD30+ Black Finish, or maybe the Fenix TK11 or 12. It seems with Surefire that you get a little less bang for your buck.

You don't get less bang and actually my E2DL and LX2 are brighter then my PD30+, Quark and TK11. Now it will cost you more buck thats for certain but I have never regretted it and I rarely hear of anyone else regretting it either.

But when all said and done all mentioned lights are wonderful lights in their own respected category and price. The PD30+ R2 is wonderful with very nice throw for its size and of the 3 I have all have the nice tint. My Quark R5 models are also nice but they have less throw and a bit of a minty green tint.

The TK11 is a nice tank of a light pretty big and heavy compared to the PD30 sized light but it has a nice wide long throwing hotspot. I don't think you can go wrong with any of them unless the mint green tint of the R5 Quark turns you off. I prefer the R2 Quark models for the chance of better tint and throw. I say "better" chance because you stand a chance of getting a tint on the really blue side but also a chance of it being fairly cool-white with the Quark R2.
Well I think I've decided to start with a AA² model so I can get some good use out of my eneloops and then I'll have 123's to look forward to in the future. I'm really having trouble deciding on which AA² model to choose. Any more suggestions for favorites that would fit in this category? Which model do you feel is better, the Quark AA² R5 or the Fenix Digital PD30+? I dont mind a little green tint with the quark. Also if there is a better light than these in pocket size please let me know.
I made a personal commitment to aa lights. And I have tried several. The romisen rc-n3 II for $24 is an OK light. Stepped up to Quark mini aa titanium. It will be around my neck from now on. The ITP C8R is a good light. The Fenix TK20 is one of my all time favorites (but a little heavy for pocket use.) The Dereelight Javelin is amazing(and can be used 3xaa with the extender.)

And the winner as my carrying favorite 1) at work the ITP C8R for heavy/dirty use and the TK20 when the braggarts show up, 2) at home the Javelin although a second TK20 is handy. The Javelin is a jewel, which I value. Both TKs are the backups and for outdoors. The C8R is the sacrificial work light. The Romisens I gave as gifts to very grateful people. The gifts were to skilled tradesmen. They know quality tools. They were very pleased with the lights.

All have higher/better light than my old maglites. And I consider all better than my led lenser which I don't even know where its at. And the quark mini aa ti is my constant companion. I'm starting to look at aa cannons, but am a little leery of the big boys. The led lenser soured me on battery carriers. As some have said you should always have at least one aa light and keep it handy. Why not start with one since you already have the batteries? HTH
You wrote while I was composing. Consider Eagletac, Fenix, Dereelight, quark. You should be able to find a nice mid-priced light in those. And I know there are many others but these are a good start for AA lights.

You really should consider the Javelin. It is a great P60 2xAA host. Very upgradable.
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So would you recommend the javelin over the quark 2XAA? And would you say the TK20 is too big and heavy for pocket use? Out of all my choices which one should I go with!?!?
So would you recommend the javelin over the quark 2XAA? And would you say the TK20 is too big and heavy for pocket use? Out of all my choices which one should I go with!?!?

The Tk20 is, probably, the biggest and heaviest 2xAA light. Perfect for carrying in a belt holster, but not for pocket use.
Get a 47s Quark AAx2 flashlight.

Carry it Everyday. All the time.

Improve your life.

You're Welcome.

Now go and do it !

I was at my buddies house the other day and he took an led out of his pocket and shined it in my eyes and I was very impressed by the brightness in such a small light.

Ouch! Harsh! - Yeah, when you get wind of what kind of power in these small lights you can get, I dare say any regular here would never flash one of the higher-powered lights into anybody's eyes (except as a defensive recourse) because they are awfully bright.

How about popping an Olight SR90 on right in front of his retinas in a dark room on a moonless night - see who has the last laugh?
So would you recommend the javelin over the quark 2XAA? And would you say the TK20 is too big and heavy for pocket use? Out of all my choices which one should I go with!?!?

I have a quark mini aa ti, but that is the only quark I have. It belongs and is always around my neck. I don't have a quark aa2, and I do have a Javelin, so I guess you could say I recommend it over the aa2. But the Javelin has a fairly large head. I would not have a problem pocketing it, but you might. I think I might prefer it holstered. I received my ITP A6 Polestar yesterday. I didn't gain a whole lot with it. I use my Javelin 3xaa and it has a very good beam very comparable to the A6. The biggest advantage of the Javelin is its flexibility. P60 drop ins for sources. Does 2xaa and 3xaa ($5.) If you buy a C2h body ($12 I think) you get 1xcr123a. But with a cheap extension again you can have 1xaa, 2xaa, 3xaa and 123a. If you get the entire c2h light you get the smaller head. The Larger li-ions are also possible. This is an amazing light. More info here. Javelin

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