Which of your lights gets the most use?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 28, 2003
Sycamore, Illinois
Based on either how often you use them, or how many minutes/hours of runtime they get.

My PAK-Lite (Super version with glow top) gets used every night for trips to the bathroom, and the SureFire L4 gets used just about every day at work to look into closets, attics and crawl spaces.

Which of your lights are most used?
Streamlight Stylus Pro is carried in my sweatpants pocket, and in the breast pocket of my leather jacket and ends up used about 3 to 1 over any other light. My Photons and L0P get carried constantly in my pants pocket, but used less because I like to have them fully charged in case I need them. Every time the batteries run down in the Stylus Pro, I take the unused battery from the L0PSE and put a new one in the L0P and another new one in the Stylus.
I had an original 2xAAAA Streamlight (faint amber LED); I pulled that out and dropped in a white MJLED or something like that, the kind with the dome rounded off.

It goes in my shirt pocket; it's plenty bright for using to catch drivers' attention when I'm walking in a crosswalk, it's a pure flood about 120 degrees, with no hotspot, so pointed down while walking it's a bit brighter than full moonlight would be, completely adequate to find my footing, make broken/uneven sidewalk show shadows at edges, without having to wave it around at all.

I'm also almost always carrying an Arc AAA "Snow" and an Arc LS that I pull out when it's really dark and I want to light up the shadows around me -- but it's the little modded Streamlight with the MJLED that's always in my hand walking home, walking to the bus station at night, walking anywhere there are dark shadows at night.

Funny to have ended up with this one as my most often used -- it's always in the current shirt pocket with the commuter bus pass.
For me, it's probably a three-way tie between the following:
SureFire G3
SureFire A2
Fenix E01 (it gets used because it's on my work keys)

In the summer months, swap the G3 for the E1B from the above list.

I almost always use my Brinkmann 3 Watt 2D CREE for tasks, household use, and walking around outside at night. Its extreme high output coupled with its super long runtime and 4 modes makes it the perfect work/beater light for me.
My EDC now is my Husky 4 watt 2D CREE, but the Brinkmann still gets more overall use.
I have to cut this up into a few different category:

1. Most used
2. Most used now
3. Longest used

1. I have used my Cree 18650 Task Force more then any other light I've owned since it was my EDC for over 8 months……

2.Though now the Task Force has been for the main part retired and replaced with my ElectroLumens EDC-P7 which is used just as much, and in the future will probably catch-up with the number or hours on the Task Force:twothumbs.

3. My Coleman 3x AA LED lantern has seen the most run time, it's almost 4 years old and has ran strait though the night probably 10 times: So around 80-100 hours of use.
My Inova Xo, this time of year it's dark when I get home from work, and my dog needs walking.....it seems to go the longest on it's batteries, but I carry the Led Lenser digitac rechargeable I have as a second source and to find my dog by his eye reflections if he takes off after a cat or rabbit!
Most used, my magcharger with a Phillips 5761 driven at 7.2v.

Most carried? Surefire G3 with the P91...

I kinda like Bright Incans...

Fenix L1P with Eneloop on my belt every day at work (i know, oldskool)
Surefire L1 Cree around the house at night
I use both my L0D and L2D on low for about 4 hours every night. I use them in my den and each has a film canister diffuser and tail standing. I got the L2D in August this year and it has run about 500 hours since then.
Fenix PD30.. Use it 4 nights a week bartending in a nightclub. The strobe works great on drunks
The light I use the most is the one that's in my pocket at home. Until recently it was a L0DQ4, but it's been replaced by the LF3XT. Really like that low low.

short answer... the one i just bought.
the light i keep going back to over and over without question is the e2e.
Lately, it's my E1B. But my P3D has been the most used over the last couple years. The E1B is a great, versatile light and the tint is nice.

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