Who carries a Mag spanner?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 24, 2008
Michigan USA
Does anyone know who carries the spanner wrench for older Mag Lite switch removal? Any other special tools needed? Any help appreciated.
Does anyone know who carries the spanner wrench for older Mag Lite switch removal? Any other special tools needed? Any help appreciated.

Not sure what kind of tool is needed, but Harbor Freight has a good selection of low quality special tools thats good for a few use.
A local hardware store had spare parts for old Mags and in the boxes I saw some spanners. Basically PVC with a couple pins mounted in the end. I was going to buy one for C Mags but they wanted $7 or $8, IIRC. Seeing as how I had no immediate need, I passed on it. Seemed like a lot of money for the construction.

If you'd like, let me know what size you need and I'll check next time I go by. Figure cost plus shipping, maybe $10. Be warned, it might take me a week or two to get around to it.

Another option if you have acess to a drill press and lathe, is to drill holes in the proper size PVC tube, insert pins and turn down to size need to fit battery tube.

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