Who EDC's their HDS flashlights?


Newly Enlightened
Jun 19, 2008
I just got a U60 and love it!! Nice tight white beam and the programing is a snap. These lights are made to be used so why not? Henry is warrantying/repairing/replacing them if something goes wrong with them. What do we have to loose? they don't do much good in a safe or desk.
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Re: Who EDC's there HDS flashlights?

I EDC mine most of the time. I was reluctant to at first because I like them so much it would be a travesty to blemish one. I then ran across the protective sleeves that fit over the bezel and switch that the sandwich shoppe was selling for a while and am now more comfortable carrying them. While you are correct in your statement that Henry will take care of any problems you may have the reality is that there are no more spare parts available for these beauties. In all likelihood a damaged unit will more than likely be replaced with a different type of light. The electronic boards are potted so none of the components can be replaced. Sadly as I mentioned before there are no more spare "boards" available. Anyway, enjoy your light!!!!!! There will never be another HDS EDC like the original ones IMO.

Re: Who EDC's there HDS flashlights?

I carried my seouled EDC B42XR just for few weeks. Couple of days ago I rotated to other light combination so it's waiting for it's next turn now. I can't see any point in owning something nice and not using it, these are tools that are made to be used hard.
Re: Who EDC's there HDS flashlights?

I have an HDS EDC U60 that has been upgraded with a Seoul SSC P4. I carry it every day all day. I love it.
Re: Who EDC's there HDS flashlights?

Glad I'm not the only one carrying my HDS lights. Before I got the U60 I was carrying my B42. Sadly I think I may retire the B42 as this U60 is better in leaps and bounds...
Re: Who EDC's there HDS flashlights?

Not to bash or anything, but the misspelling in the title kind of bugs me a bit.

It's their, not there. Hope this helps a bit: http://www.wikihow.com/Use-There,-Their-and-They're
Thanks for the English lesson. When posting on a forum late at night I tend to make mistakes. Never was all the good in English anyway. You may want to skip post made by cabbynate as I tend to make that kind of mistake and it will just drive you crazy....
Re: Who EDC's there HDS flashlights?

If that B42 isnt serving you anymore, please pm me and I will see if I can find it a new home.:whistle:
Re: Who EDC's there HDS flashlights?

If that B42 isnt serving you anymore, please pm me and I will see if I can find it a new home.:whistle:
Sorry but your about tenth in line..:shrug:
I'll keep it as I paid so little for it and I still enjoy it. Just not as much as the U60. The U60 also has considerably more throw and a tighter beam. I like that... My B42 beam in more closer to my Ra 100T.(just not as bright)
Re: Who EDC's there HDS flashlights?

Thanks for the English lesson. When posting on a forum late at night I tend to make mistakes. Never was all the good in English anyway. You may want to skip post made by cabbynate as I tend to make that kind of mistake and it will just drive you crazy....
No worries. Just wanted to help correct these common errors so others won't think it's the correct usage and continue using the wrong terms.

I make a lot of mistakes too, but when it's something obvious in the title I think it's helpful if it's corrected.

Re: Who EDC's there HDS flashlights?

I just got a U60 and love it!! Nice tight white beam and the programing is a snap. These lights are made to be used so why not? Henry is warrantying/repairing/replacing them if something goes wrong with them. What do we have to lose? they don't do much good in a safe or desk.

I edc mine however it is one of the high pictched whining ones so I carry it less than I used to.
Re: Who EDC's there HDS flashlights?

I edc mine however it is one of the high pictched whining ones so I carry it less than I used to.
Funny, my B42 wines and the U60 is as quiet as a church mouse...
Re: Who EDC's there HDS flashlights?

No worries. Just wanted to help correct these common errors so others won't think it's the correct usage and continue using the wrong terms.

I make a lot of mistakes too, but when it's something obvious in the title I think it's helpful if it's corrected.

I fixed it. Can't promise it won't happen again. Spelling is my worse subject and I'm usually typing on no sleep or very little. (like now) Spell check is my best friend...;)
Re: Who EDC's there HDS flashlights?

I fixed it. Can't promise it won't happen again. Spelling is my worse subject and I'm usually typing on no sleep or very little. (like now) Spell check is my best friend...;)
Looks good, thanks.

Believe me, my spelling is not all that great.

When I kept looking at your old title, it started to get stuck in my head that "there" may have been better than "their", which is why I posted in here to advise of the correct usage, so I would keep it straight personally in the future. :)

Spell check is nice, too bad I'm too lazy to use it most of the time. ;)
I've been EDC my modded B42XRGT since I got it about 4 months ago. Use it every day and night.
From all the replies I won't feel so bad about adding the U60 to the lights I carry. I just need to make sure not to touch it after I handled a lead acid battery!!!
I've been EDCing mine since back in 2006.

There seems to be a trend where the noisier lights are outputting more power to the LED. Even tho it's a B42 it doesn't mean it's not outputting more power to the LED.

I make a plea to all HDS owners. PLEASE get some kind of SS or Ti bezel for them. They ain't all that strong around the bezel region with the stock bezel.

I recently dropped my light bezel down and my Ti bezel took a chunk out of the rock it hit. If I Didn't have the Ti bezel it'd be the other way around.
Well not that I'm a big HDS fan or anything but,I don't/won't leave the house without an HDS in my pocket.It's either one of my u60 or my newly twin customized twisty 70Tr.I use them and loan them at work all day long six days a week and Henry's creation's have yet to fail me.
My stock B42XRGT is my primary edc these days. It was superseded by the 120P for about half a year, but I ended up going back to it for day to day carry because I missed the GT tint and deep carry Arc4 clip. I'm pretty careful with mine and it's still in pretty good condition, but I'm not afraid to use it at all. It hurts to drop it, as I've done a couple times, but it was created as a tool and I think it would betray the intent of it to leave it stuck on a shelf simply out of fear for its safety.
Here's some HDS Eye Candy of my Seoul'd B42XRGT.
Ti clip / Ti Screws / Peu's SS Bezel / 3 Green Trits
One Sweet Package :D


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