Who is using the slowest computer here?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 9, 2004
DFW. TX. U.S.A. Earth
Time for something a little different.

What might it be?
A pentium mmx, a p54 pentium, 486, or even an old and well equipped 386 server?

And how have you manged to keep old reliable going so good all this time?
This info may indeed help the rest of us. :)
Well, I have 3 machines made by Phillips that run linux on a 50 mhz powerpc processor. Each has 16 of ram and from 120 to 360 gb hard drives. They selectively store hi frequency radio signals. I review these stored signals daily, sometimes spending hours on end watching the display on a CRT based device.

what is a 64k am i thinking corect is it like 8 perect of 1 meg?
IBM 760XL ...Pentium I at 166MHz, functional for win95
A tower made of scrapped parts....AMD somethung something...37mhz...boots off B:/ drive:ohgeez:
Well, I guess my computer isn't so old, afterall! I'm using a Pentium 3 1gz laptop with around 400 total gigabytes of hard drive space (two externals), a couple USB hubs (only has 1 port built in), and 1 gig of ram. It's my only machine. (although, others are available, I just don't use 'em)
gadget_lover said:
Actually, it's closer to 6.4 % since 1K is 1/1000 of 1meg.

rofl thats wild but then again i have a freind in his 70s ya should here about some of the mainframes he worked on one had like 40 k a meory and it was a kmainframe and all vacumn tubes for the memory lol
I've used a Commodore SX-64 to get on the net before...1.02MHz CPU speed (uses a MOS 6510 processor; functionally identical to a 6502 CPU) , 80K of RAM.
Connection speed was a blazing fast 2.4Kbps. :eek:
I have a zenith p75 with windows 95 a and aol 3.0. WOrks fine with a usr 56k modem. My laptop is a satellite 2080 a p 266 I think and I was just offered a gateway p166 with scanner, printer and scsi interface. It was running osr2 and office 97.

What to talk about slow? Put win 95 a on a 486 sx with a 40mb hard drive. It had just netscape 3.05 gold and a dial up connector with drive space running.
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Ummmm I'd say maybe it's Sasha :whistle:

:nana: J/K... I couldn't resist when that popped up trying to respond to this thread. :bow: Sorry.

Well do PDA/ Smartphones count? If not I have an AMD K6II @ 450Mhz That runs Ubuntu for me. I rarely use it to surf CPF though.
The computer I normally use isn't slow (completely DIY Athlon 1900+) but I have some in the collection that go back pretty far. Like the Apple //+ with the 1MHz 6502. Also have Kaypro, C64, Osborne, etc.
I believe the Atari 400 computer used the Atari 2600 VCS as a base. You could play Atari 2600 games on it, plus do things on it that you could do with a computer of that era.

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