Hi Guys...
Here is my take on the topic.
Over the years of my membership in the CPF, M*glite has demonstrated little apparent interest in advancing the flashlight technologies, and has rather been pretty satisfied with selling flashlights that may have nice host bodies but have pretty lousy beams of lght. And while doing so, always touting their products as state-of-art.
The fact that their motives are pretty pedestrian in that regard is OK, for that is their choice. They don`t have to provide any leadership for their industry. At the same time, though, M*g should not be surprised that CPF`ers in general have basically relegated them to the world of irrelevancy.
What is much worse, though, has been the willingness of M*g to file legal actions against small, innovative and state-of-the-art flashlight companies who are actually advancing the industry. They have done this with Peter Gransee`s original Arc Flashlight company, claiming that the Arc AAA`s that Peter was producing was unfair competition to the M*g Solataire.
The cost of this litigation was small as far as M*g was concerned, but huge for Peter and Merri. It essentially took its toll and helped put the original Arc Flashlight company out of business. This result undoubtedly pleased M*g.
In proverbial terms, M*g is viewd by those not charitable to it as the "Evil Empire" in the world of flashlights. The use of "M*g", etc. is basically in recognition of their past deeds and attitudes... as observed from the vantage of some of us long-time CPF`ers.