Why can't i get a response from batteryjunction??!

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Newly Enlightened
Jul 5, 2007
Toronto, Canada
I hope I haven't put this in the wrong forum. . .

Based on all the info here I ordered/paid for a lumapower M1 from batteryjunction early thursday. I wanted it out by the weekend. But i get no reponse and have tried the contact and phone number request. If they are not going to deal with my order i want to cxl asap and order through someone else that can ship today . . but unfort. I feel stuck. Does anyone have any other contacts?

I would only guess that they've taken a long 4th of July weekend. It might have been best to contact them first before ordering to verify shipping schedule. They have a good rep here. I'm sure you'll get your light but it might not be as fast as you wanted. good luck and welcome to CPF
Thanks Matrixshaman. Just to follow-up for others . . .
I found their sister store which had a phone number and called that number. Matt answered and was very helpful. They were closed Wed. and were behind in responses . . but it is shipping today. All good. Can't wait for my Lumapower . . .and i have the feeling I'll be collecting a few more. Oh no. :)
Glad we could get this resolved. :)

Please remember that we start the day with hundreds of emails (over 1K if you add the spam that we have to sort through) so it takes a few hours to begin answering 'todays' email as the first few hours are focused on answering the previous evenings email. First in, first out; by the end of the day we're typically answering emails within an hour of receipt and the goal every day is to answer every email that arrived before 5PM EST.

Another major challenge is spam filters. I did a little checking and your first email was on 7/5 at 12:03 PMwhich we answered at 2:48 PM (to your work email), a reply which I'm guessing may have ended up in a spam/bulk mail filter at work.

We answer all of our email within 1 business day and our average response time is ~3 hours during the weekday.
Glad to hear there was a happy ending.

BTW - my 2 cents... LOL

You can't go wrong with Battery Junction!!! i have made multiple orders and sent an LAPD officer there and he also says the service is #1 (Matt - Mike will be calling for a charger for his 18650's soon)

>>steps off soap <<box
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