Why choose 123 rechargeables over AA rechargeables ?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 25, 2009
South Wales, UK
I was looking on Ebay at the 3.7 Volt 123 rechargeable cells which in some cases were quoted at 1000mAh capacity ... I then looked on CPF and found that this is not possible and that 600mAh to 800mAh is a more realistic capacity.

AA rechargeable cells can be about 2400mAh perhaps more ... So, if my calculations are correct, the 123s have three times the voltage of the AAs, but one third of the capacity ... That means they both effectively have the same energy available.

If I buy a single AA torch, I will have a long(ish) slim torch but if I buy a 123 torch I will have a short(ish) fat torch.

Is there any reason why I should buy a 123 torch rather than an AA torch ? ... My Trustfire F20 is only 3.75" X 0.75" and has 5 modes plus memory ... I realise that there are 123 torches that are a fraction under 3" but then they are much thicker.

I don't need ultra high Lumen levels and would consider one hour on maximum to be more than sufficient ... It would normally be used on medium or low output levels giving over two hours of use.

So why would I (should I) buy a 123 torch when the single AA is so neat ?
This recent thread covers both primary and secondary cells, but you may want to give it a look.


Thanks Dave, that thread is a great read ... It seems that well over 80% (I lost count) are in favour of AA cells ... That does it for me.

A slender and elegant single AA torch is nicer than a little fat dumpy 123 torch.

It really backs up my thoughts that the single AA is best for me for EDC ... I really couldn't think why I should get a 123 torch which was why I started this thread ... The thread also gives me reasons why I bought several torches that used 18650 cells ... Three of my 18650 torches also can use a cassette with three AAA cells which is a great (just in case) idea.

I will now look for another single AA torch , possibly even buy another Trustfire F20 or similar ... The F20 is so nice to keep in the pocket due to its small size ... I still feel that the Solarforce L2 is OK as EDC as I have fairly large pockets.

I might get a single AAA torch for my Wife to carry ... I don't want her to feel left out of everything.
Thanks Dave, that thread is a great read ... It seems that well over 80% (I lost count) are in favour of AA cells ... That does it for me.

A slender and elegant single AA torch is nicer than a little fat dumpy 123 torch.

It really backs up my thoughts that the single AA is best for me for EDC ... I really couldn't think why I should get a 123 torch which was why I started this thread ... The thread also gives me reasons why I bought several torches that used 18650 cells ... Three of my 18650 torches also can use a cassette with three AAA cells which is a great (just in case) idea.

I will now look for another single AA torch , possibly even buy another Trustfire F20 or similar ... The F20 is so nice to keep in the pocket due to its small size ... I still feel that the Solarforce L2 is OK as EDC as I have fairly large pockets.

I might get a single AAA torch for my Wife to carry ... I don't want her to feel left out of everything.

Noticeably brighter. Example, the new Quark lineup from 4sevens:

1xAA max output: 109 lumens out the front
1xCR123 max output: 189-206 lumens out the front

Or, my daily pocket carry, 2xCR123....max 230 lumens OTF. I've been carrying a 2xCR123 daily in my front pocket for almost 2.5 years. Heck, it's been the same Fenix P3D for those 2.5 years and it is still brighter, on max, than a new 1xAA would be. IIRC it was rated for 160 lumens. That rating is not out the front but should be as bright/brighter than a new 1xAA...and it is 2.5 years old.

The way I see it the guys who talk about the easy availability of the AA battery hit on the single best reason to pick AA. You can run it with a battery that is findable just about anywhere. In the US any gas station, convenience store, grocery store, backcountry store, you-name-it retail location will have AA batteries. In stock. And they won't cost an arm and a leg. BUT you give up some performance for that convenience.

BTW: I would strongly consider getting your wife a 1xAA light as well. You get around three times the capacity of a 1xAAA, IIRC, and the size difference isn't THAT big. Plus you can then run each of them with the same cells. Take it from somebody who gave his wife a 1xAAA light. AA is better unless you really need that size difference.
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Noticeably brighter. Example, the new Quark lineup from 4sevens:

1xAA max output: 109 lumens out the front
1xCR123 max output: 189-206 lumens out the front

I don't mind carrying one of my 18650 torches as EDC for a decent output, but I still carry my Trustfire F20 5 mode as well (in another smaller pocket) as it is just so neat and slim and will fit into any pocket at 3.78" long with a body width of 0.83".

Or, my daily pocket carry, 2xCR123....max 230 lumens OTF. I've been carrying a 2xCR123 daily in my front pocket for almost 2.5 years. Heck, it's been the same Fenix P3D for those 2.5 years and it is still brighter, on max, than a new 1xAA would be. IIRC it was rated for 160 lumens. That rating is not out the front but should be as bright/brighter than a new 1xAA...and it is 2.5 years old.

I just don't want a two-cell Lithium torch of any type ... I would rather have the battery capacity of the 18650 ... I realise that it is only half the voltage of 2X123s, but from what I read the 123 rechargeables struggle to find over 800mAh capacity ... Some say 650 to 750 mAh.

I would prefer a 2400mAh 1.2 Volt AA battery to a 800 ? mAh 3.7 Volt 123 battery partly because I have the AAs already and partly because I like the thinner body of the AA torch ... If I want a thicker torch I will go to the 18650 ones (I have five of them).

The way I see it the guys who talk about the easy availability of the AA battery hit on the single best reason to pick AA. You can run it with a battery that is findable just about anywhere. In the US any gas station, convenience store, grocery store, backcountry store, you-name-it retail location will have AA batteries. In stock. And they won't cost an arm and a leg. BUT you give up some performance for that convenience.

BTW: I would strongly consider getting your wife a 1xAA light as well. You get around three times the capacity of a 1xAAA, IIRC, and the size difference isn't THAT big. Plus you can then run each of them with the same cells. Take it from somebody who gave his wife a 1xAAA light. AA is better unless you really need that size difference.

I can appreciate that some people like the fact that there are AA batteries available virtually everywhere, but I don't use Alkalines at all ... Even all my remote controls and clocks are fitted with low self-discharge batteries ... Even the garden clock.

The reason that I will probably get a AAA torch for my Wife is that they can be as small as 2.87" X 0.55" ... It would be about one inch shorter and two thirds the width of my Trustfire F20 ... Easy for her to carry in her handbag (purse).