Why is my latest PayPal "uncleared"?


Apr 28, 2006
So I just sent some money via Paypal just like I always have.

It's got access to my bank account, just like it always has.

But this time instead of being an instant transfer, it's saying "uncleared" and that it has an expected cleared date of 8/7 from my bank.

Is this:

a) a new thing Paypal's doing;

b) a result of something different on the part of the person I'm sending money to;

c) just plain screwy?

I've never had it do this... every other time I've Paypaled someone, it just instantly goes through and instantly takes the money from my account.

🙁 :shrug:
I had a payment do that once and then it changed to normal after a while. I'm guessing that maybe Paypal couldn't complete the electronic draft immediately, maybe the system at my bank was down temporarily, and then later they got the confirmation from my bank so it went back to normal. But it's just a guess. The transaction went through without a hitch.
I know it will clear in a couple of days, and no I didn't send it by eCheck (that I know of).

What I'm wondering is why it did this when it never has before, and how do I make sure it doesn't do it this way again.

The problem is called 'Flashaholism' - you've lost control of your light spending (which has become 'heavy' spending) and you are in denial that you just ordered a dozen lights last week thus wiping out your bank account. It happens to all flashaholics eventually. Just get a second job and things will eventually get back to normal. :broke: 😀
The problem is called 'Flashaholism' - you've lost control of your light spending (which has become 'heavy' spending) and you are in denial that you just ordered a dozen lights last week thus wiping out your bank account. It happens to all flashaholics eventually. Just get a second job and things will eventually get back to normal. :broke: 😀
LOL, matrix has got it right, you have temporarily run out of money. Don't worry about it too much - you are not the only one. We have all experienced this annoying problem from time to time.
I held off on that Fenix 100lm Rebel P3D and everything. :green:

It reminds me of a commercial, but I can't remember what it was for to look for the YouTube link...

A guy is outside his house with some clippers trimming some bushes. His son is with him and they're talking about mom, and the boy says "She's inside buying things online now!" The man looks like this: 😡 and angrily goes back to chopping the hedge, then reaches up and chops the cable hanging down from the eaves... as a surprised "Hey!" comes from inside the house. :crackup:

Actually, Macforsale nailed it. The primary funding source was the bank account, and the secondary was a credit card that was valid till 7/07. Apparently, PayPal won't effect immediate transfer without a backup funding source. :crazy:

(the funny thing is... my credit card is a Visa debit card to the SAME account :ironic🙂

Thanks guys! :thumbsup:
