Why you may not have a primary *TRUE* EDC. If you do, what is it and WHY?


Oct 13, 2001
Most flashaholics carry more than one light because we understand that "two is one and one is none". Often, we think of one light as our primary or favorite EDC light, and the other(s) as secondary lights. For example: Fenix L2-D CE primary plus an ARC AAA on the keychain. But when many of us refer to our "EDC" lights we are using the term loosely since we don't actually carry them each and every time we go out, 365 day a year.

That's why the title says primary "TRUE" EDC. The only time I don't carry mine is when my pants are off, thus it is a "TRUE" EDC, (though I don't sleep with it as some flashaholics have been known to do)

I have carried many lights as primary EDCs including some from our top modders but I never found what I was looking for; a very small two-lithium battery side-by-side light, because it didn't exist until relatively recently. It is Data's SPY005 and it is the only such light I have seen. It isn't necessarily "better" than any other top modder's creation; it simply fulfills my personal need for the smallest possible 2x123 regulated multi-level light better than any others that I have seen.

Ok, I've told you what my primary/favorite "TRUE" EDC is and why I carry it.

Now, what's yours, and WHY?


Moderators: "General Flashlight" seemed the most appropriate forum to post this. Apologies if it belongs elsewhere. BN
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If I'm wearing pants, I'm wearing a belt. My lights are ALWAYS on my belt.
1.Custom Cree L1T with CR2 body
2. Aleph 2
3. Fenix P1 D CE w/kooter CR2 body and Aleph clickie.

I find I go for the P1 D CE more than any.

edit:actually, I'm in my sleeping attire at present...have my P1 D CE in my pocket as I type :D

oh...versatility I suppose is the "why"
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Well, on my keychain I always have an ArcAAA, often a modded version, but that's kind of an emergency light. My really useful EDC is an Arc LS modded with a U-bin Lux III. I have a Berkley clip on it that clips to a belt loop on my right side. Never without it, and it is bright and it lasts a long time and I can deploy it without unhooking it.
Re: Your primary *TRUE* EDC and Why..

My true EDC is my L1D CE. I carry it around the clock except when I sleep. It goes with me to work and everywhere else. Like right now for example.. It's 0026 as I type this and my L1D is still in my pocket and I'm sitting at my computer desk with the room light on. It's small enough to forget about but easily accessible when I need it. I love it.
what ever is newest.( It's the same with knives) I do have my old reliables like my Fenix P1 ( not that old) & spyderco delica.
I always carry my Inova T3, the old style. Prior to that it was a Nuwai TM301x3 or something like that. I'm thinking of going to a new light, but the Inova is a excellent light that I'm not afraid will break.
My normal EDC is a milkyspit modded Nuwai 301X3 Cree XRE, or a Longbow Micra with a PR head, going to get milkyspit to mod it with a Seoul SSC P4, Once Leef comes out with the 18650 boddies for the McLux 27LT (LuxV but will get milky to mod it with a Seoul SSC P4) that will ride in my jacket or back pocket.
Re: Your primary *TRUE* EDC and Why..

I find without a some light on me somewhere: in a pocket; on a lanyard ,I don't feel prepared. Even at night, in bed there is a light under the pillow. The one I like to carry around the house at night in my pjs is the Infinity Ultra because it is so easy to activate with one hand. I have an ARC AA and a Peak AA and others but the CMG has just the right knurling to facilitate easy on/easy off one handed. I think these are the greatest emergency lights ever designed. Granted, there are much brighter lights available. But for its size and toughness and dependability, the Infinity Ultra is in a class by itself IMHO. I am glad I was around to get a few of them before they went the way of the dinosaurs.
I always carry an Arc AAA-P on a neckchain.

In addition, I carry a larger light on my belt, in a pocket, or a pack. That larger light varies, depending on day/night, anticipated activity, etc.
It's my Draco XR-E, because it fits on my keys and those are always with me. True, when I get home, the keys usually stay on the kitchen counter, so maybe, this isn't a "true EDC," but it's the closest thing I've got. When I'm at home, I usually just reach for whatever light is handy, or whichever I feel like using.
For me it's the Fire~Fly III. No matter what new lights I get I always go back to the FF. The combination of size, programmability (a huge plus!), quality and 'feel', output and runtime have proven unbeatable for me so far. It's also proven to be a tough little critter, having taken way too many drops, knocks and bumps but continues to function perfectly despite having a few scars...

It's not the least bit disgraced by the new releases with the latest LEDs, but I'd love to see an updated version. It's such a shame it looks like we won't have the opportunity to get any more. :(
My Draco. =)

Usually, my McLux III PD-S mizer's close by (in my briefcase at work, and my jacket at night). But it's my Draco that never leaves my side. It's small enough to drop it in my jeans pocket and forget it's there - so it really does go nearly everywhere with me!

She's tiny, and wickedly bright - I still giggle every time I fire her up at 80 lumens.

Photon II (2x2016, white led) and Fauxton "II" (1x2032, red led) both on my keychain. I gotta say I don't carry my keys every single minute. I usually do when I'm out of the house, but at home I tend to leave them on a shelf near the door.

Most of the time recently I've been carrying my L0D CE but that's because I got it fairly recently and I'm still enjoying its newness. It's in my pocket right now but if it weren't, the nearest light to me at the moment is the Tektite Trek 4 on my nightstand a couple feet away. It has an X1 glowring attached to the lanyard post so I can find it in the dark. If that weren't there and the power went out I'd have to stumble around to find a flashlight (there are dozens here in the room) but that wouldn't be a big deal.

I could not bring myself to edc an expensive light like a Spy or a McLux Ti (both of which are on my "want" list regardless). Too afraid of losing them. I've misplaced each of my Fenixes at least once (I mean misplaced for long enough to think they were really lost for good) though I've been lucky and always found them again.

BN, I remember thinking of you when the L2D CE came out, since it seemed like it would fit into your edc arsenal very well. The Spy is a lot nicer, of course.
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I just wrote a response and was about to post but it dsappeared. D@mn! Next time I'll compose it in Word. Too lazy to repost now.

Primary EDC: Fenix L0D-CE on 10440s, and a spare cell, in coin pocket, or on keychain (depending on pants worn). massive brightness on demand if needed, moderate brightness most of the time.

Backup EDC: white and red photon clones, on keychain, for low-level light and/or preserving night vision.
I carry a Fenix L0P SE on my main keychain so and since four of our doors have deadbolts installed, I ALWAYS my keys on my person... usually even while I'm sleeping.

As for more traditional carry, I have carried my HDS Basic 42 probably 95% over the last year or so occassionally dropping down to an L1P when I wanted something a bit more slim. I recently had Milky mod the HDS with an SSC LED so I have a renewed love for it. I also picked up a nice C-LE with the hidden mode so I've been using a 14500 with it for pretty crazy brightness, almost on par with the modded HDS. I'd say over the last month, I've had one or the other of those two lights every second I've been away from home and I have several lights in each vehicle.

Overall, I'd say I'm good to go.
I do not have many lights but I do edc them most of the time. Always with lanyard round the neck. Either KL1 or KL4 partnered with the single cell body/z57. At work I rely on them all the time and so too at home for various tasks.....
my fenix l2d-ce either on my belt or in one of my pockets. it sits on my nightstand at night.

i also carry a surefire m3 in my jacket pocket, but as i don't always wear it, the m3 isn't true edc.