Wife starting to see the light


Oct 20, 2007
Yukon, Oklahoma
Tonight the wife needed to go in the backyard and go through the out building to look for a small fake Christmas tree for one of the kids. So the wife says "Hey, do we have a usable flashlight around here we can use?"

The daughter says, "how about that cure lavender one he just built".

Outside they go, plenty of light (although they should have used the headlight because they needed both hand to look for crap) and when they come back inside....."that worked real nice, thanks".


Bob E.
It's a start! Many of us I'm sure, dream of the day that family doesn't roll their eyes whenever we happily open our packages from all sorts of places around the world.
Yesterday I received the pair of LumaPower LM31's I ordered from BatteryJunction. (One for a Christmas present, one for me.) I was playing with mine, and showed my wife the new light. She fooled with it a bit. Later she was making remarks like she'd like to have it :). First time she's ever done that. I knew I should've ordered three.

Ah well, next time I order something from BatteryJunction, I'll just have to throw another LM31 in with the order, I guess.

As I write this my wife is wrapping up 20 princeton tech attitudes for Christmas gifts to my people at work. The wife will be upgrading to my old SF L1, my workmates will have to make due --they dont know the difference anyway. I think it's a useful gift but am not sure how it will go over with my crew.
My wife and I were in a Starbucks type place when she went to the washroom, came back and asked "Can I borrow one of your lights because the light in the washroom is broken". There have been other occasions like this so my wife appreciates the value of my EDCing. (I still don't tell her how much I spend though...:sssh:)
Yeah - I think I would be in trouble if my wife knew. Thats why I think I may have to sell some light to build up the Paypal account for future purchases - even if it means selling some lights that I like. The way I figure it, I have way too many lights that I like and can only use so many. I will just have to sell the "less" liked lights - LOL.