Wife's in labour...

Congrats!!... enjoy your hospital stay. I had my sleeping mat&bag, laptop PC and a mini maglite (pre CPF days).

Enjoy babyhood it goes by so fast.

Get a Fenix E01, E0, surefire neck lanyard and a watch with good GITD Lume. Citizen dive watch was my timepiece of choice.
Popped home quickly to let the dogs outside (we live about 2 min away from the hospital).

Update: Born July 12, 2009 -- 3:54AM, Baby Boy!

Thanks CPF!
:goodjob: Congratulations, don't get too :drunk:
Just think of all those diapers you'll have to change :eeew:
All the best to your new family from all of my family :wave:

Wife asks Name and weight?