Will an L1T head fit an L1P body?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 8, 2006
Just curious, if an L1T head would fit my L1P body ...I destroyed my light engine trying to remove it from the head ...tons of thread lock (looked like JB Weld!).

Any other available heads that are compatible with my L1P? I just love the form factor, especially because of the modified 2-stage switch ...compact 1AA format with simple hi/lo clickie. I would have loved to modify it with an SSC P4.
L1P, L2P, LxS, LxT, and L2Pv2 heads and bodies are all thread-compatible. If you're using a 2-stage tailcap to control the output modes, you should be fine.

If you want to use the built-in low output mode of the 2-stage heads (LxS, LxT, L2Pv2) by loosening the head from the body, you might have trouble with an L1P body, but you might be able "fix" it my cleaning or stripping any coating off the body's head-side threads.
Threads are the same. You will likely have to strip the anodizing off the threads on the head end of the L1P body as stated above.

THat's how the 2 modes work on the L1T head.

BTW, apparently you can throw Rexlight guts into these bodies. Go look at whc's review...