Will I turn into a Maglite fan once again?

What purpose does that .5 sec delay offer, I can't think of any?
I tend to agree with Monocrom, it's a slight glitch in the UI.
In a life or death situation, that half second could mean "goodbye cruel world"
So you push the on button for momentary for oh lets say 1/4 second and "oh crap a perp". Light stays on for a half second after. Or it doesn't. Perp knows where you are already either way, right?

They already have a "program" for police mode from of ML lights so I don't see there being a need to redesign an interface, which is why I figure it was actually built with the stay on time on purpose, not some design flaw. Same as when PK did a 20 seconds to reset back to high on his FL2. Many did not understand why he did that instead of 1 second so they dismissed it as a flaw. Right now I forget why he did that but when he explained it here at CPF the crowd of naysayers either said "oh yeah that makes sense" or "well that's just stupid and why isn't it a neutral tinted"...

Perhaps the user can do a quick sweep of an area with the 'predictable' on for 1/2 second without accidently activating the stay on feature. I can sweep about 45 degrees in the time it stays on by clicking once and know it will turn off. If I press and hold the button for about 1/2 second (or longer) it turns off when I release it. I just learned that.
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Good point Byk.. If the prep is armed he ain't going to wait for that half second to expire, and neither should you!
Oh c®ap, I can see the law suits already (-;
So you push the on button for momentary for oh lets say 1/4 second and "oh crap a perp". Light stays on for a half second after. Or it doesn't. Perp knows where you are already either way, right?
No, he's already spotted your light and fires on you. You let go of the tailcap to switch it off and immediately duck down or move. That half a second of linger let's him easily get off a 2nd shot. He might have missed with his first, maybe he didn't. Easier to survive one shot to the torso vs. two.
re: Magtac 2

My first question is always 'does it work as documented?'. After that, I get around to determining if it works the way I'd want it to.

[user instructions]
mode: Press tail cap switch button and hold it down; light remains on only until button is released.

Well, it does say "hold it down", although not for how long a duration. Sounds like BYK's saying that value likely is and thus this probably should state a 'min. duration ~.5 sec', or something to that effect.

I'd probably answer the first question 'Yes, works as poorly documented'. As for working the way I'd want it to, to each their own. I try to stick to facts over opinion whenever possible - but words matter. I will say that's not how I would design a light to operate, but I only design some other things - certainly not flashlights. I'm just a flashlight user, so the only decisions I make are purchase decisions.

I guess it requires a re-definition of the term 'momentary' as used in accepted electronics and flashlight industry terminology. I use the term as BYK (very clearly stated) in post #773:
What I'm used to is the ML series way where it stays on as long as you hold the button and instantly turns off when you let go. Hold button get light. Let go, light turns off. Click once quickly and only get light while pressing the button. As in an instant flash of light that lasts only as long as the connection was made in the switch.

To my way of thinking, anything else is essentially a re-definition of the term. There's nothing wrong with designing something to work differently, but it should be more clearly specified in the documentation when that's the case.

I guess that's why I read stuff here - to find out how things actually work, as a lot of flashlight documentation is well below other industry standards (to put it kindly:). This is yet another case where that policy came in handy!

Here's what the MagTac 2 was designed for.

Often true tactical lights are misunderstood by folks who are not trained to use that particular model. One called First Light Tomahawk (for example) is absolute genious, once you've learned the whys and hows of its variety of features no other flashlight brand has. I used it and only it for about a week getting familiar with the interface and layout. After that period it became second nature but, hand it to somebody not used to it and they say "I don't get it" and hand it back.
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Often true tactical lights are misunderstood by folks who are not trained to use that particular model. One called First Light Tomahawk (for example) is absolute genious, once you've learned the whys and hows of its variety of features no other flashlight brand has. I used it and only it for about a week getting familiar with the interface and layout. After that period it became second nature but, hand it to somebody not used to it and they say "I don't get it" and hand it back.
Been trained on how to use a tactical light. And, I own the LE version of the First Light Tomahawk. I'm sorry but it's too complicated to be a true tactical light. Made worse by the tiny smiley-face layout of the buttons. Under stress, far too easy to hit the wrong button. Also, being a right-angle light, the user then has to re-train himself to instinctively grab it and point it properly. I put mine away in storage shortly after buying it because stress training, I was grabbing the Tomahawk the wrong way when reaching for it. 5,000 repetitions minimum just not worth the time to re-train myself and develope new muscle memory. Plus, doesn't fix the other issues with the light.

I do agree with you that it's a genius design. But with a tactical light, the simpler or "dumber" the design; the better. Along the lines of a SureFire 6P but with a higher-output LED instead of an incandescent lamp inside.
I added the (included) clip to my MagTac 2 actually prefer it with the clip. Not because it means it has a pocket clip or anti-roll device, but because the plastic circle makes for a good grip ring.

The MagTac 2 won't replace my PKDL FL2 as my benchmark but I like the light in general and it'll have a home next to some of my classic favs like a Pelican M6 (2390), Pentagon LX2 and Streamlight TL2 LED.
They screwed up the clip design. It needs to sit flush with the body, especially being so thin. But, it doesn't sit flush, at all. I've thought about using some heat to "re-mold" a curve in it, but I dont think the plastic will be able to handle it.
They screwed up the clip design. It needs to sit flush with the body, especially being so thin. But, it doesn't sit flush, at all. I've thought about using some heat to "re-mold" a curve in it, but I dont think the plastic will be able to handle it.
Maybe if it was ordinary ABS plastic. But it's one of those glass-filled nylon affairs. Feels like zytel. If it breaks, you could order a replacement clip from Maglite.
MagTac can use a conventional ring type clip. And a lanyard ring if not part of the clip. I had a couple of clips leftover from PKDL PR-1's since I remove them so it'll fit in my pocket better. I have a daily, a backup and a backup backup.

Anyway dremel about a mm around the inside of it and it fits numerous 6 volt flashlights.

I also used an Elzetta wire lanyard ring with an Elzetta G-Line adjustable wrist trap and for good measure a Maglite XL series filter holder/ antiroll device.


The lanyard ring and clip in tandem


The finished product.
I removed the clip later on as I really didn't care for a clip on the MagTac2.

How it looks now.
Honestly wish Maglite had done that from the factory.

Those compelled to mod/customize something (of which I'm not one) will be happy to have an outlet for that need:). Seriously though, I thought the clip was like that of the original MM (EDIT: MT), which I thought I'd read others liked so much they ordered them to fit on other lights! Doesn't seem to be that popular so far with this light, but it's early days yet. That might be due to the different profiling of the housing of this one - who knows. That's all 'just the way things work' and to be expected though.

That said, I do however appreciate at least some form of integral factory roll resistance (which I suppose this lacks w/o the clip[?]), although given its targeted tac apps user segment specifically, that may be missed by very few compared with lights targeting more general / broad use / EDC, etc. Personally, I have to set my working lights down at least briefly on a regular basis, often on flat surfaces, in proximity to areas it would be unrecoverable from if it rolled off!
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So I found this little bust-a-glass type tailcap on the www somehow and mulled over it for a few days because it was $20. It is supposed to be for the ML25, which was also $20. Then it occured to me the threads and tailcap are the same on the ML25 as the ML50, 100,125 and 150. Well the 100 and 125 differ some but the threads are the same.

Anywho, since the ML150 was over $100 another $20 didn't sound so bad. It arrived today. And came with stickerrrrrrrz.

It's a normal shape tailcap with removeable cap to expose a glass buster.
Now, the Maglite has a sorta gasket on the tailcap. The Litt has an over sized o'ring. What that does is provides resistance to the tailcap, which in turn makes it easier to twist off the glass breaker covering than removing the tailcap from the light.
Neat!! The remaining portion is grippy enough so if you don't intend to remove the glass breaker cover you won't.

Ok so it did not come with a spring. Removing the Maglite spring is easy enough. Putting it back was not so easy, nor installing it to the Litt. I tried and tried to no avail. Handy pliers and a light bend to the end of the spring allows the first half coil to fit into the stock or Litt tailcap and you twist from there. Press down on the spring to seat it and done.

Does loosening the lit cut the circuit like the stock tailcap? You betcha. No parasitic drain woes with the aftermarket tailcap. And still allows the tailcap to be the on/off switch on an ML25.

It adds about an inch to the length of the light. So the change is noticeable on a 2 cell length light but not much with a 3 cell length light like the ML150LR. Threads are nice, coating is good and I did not see any machine marks or flaws. Litt also has some other cool add ons for other Maglite products. Oh, US made too.

Now that's a throwback modern cop light

Add the storage container and that extra inch does not matter. It's already a big-*** light anyway.
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Well, it has been some years that I didn't take a look at what Maglite had to offer. I thought they would either still make those C and D heavy and large incans forever, or they would go bankrupt still producing these.
How different the reality was!! I went through the site over and over again, learned that a 4D cell Mag now puts out a thousand Lumens, and there were cheap and small 2C lights to have, with two modes, very easy to use, and still with MORE light than a 6D incan with MagNum star bulb...
The cute little ML25LT light has all that right Maglite feel and is built like a tank. I seriousy think it will last the rest of my life and then some.
I didn't regret the purchase of this new Mag at all - maybe I'll even buy more Maglite LED lights. And I'm not a big LED fan, you should know, but the Mag-LEDs certainly "have that something special" a Maglite always had for me...
Are there brigther lights out there? Certainly!
Are there LED lights with bettter LEDs? For sure!
Are there lights that are smaller, but run just as long with the same or higher output? YES!

Are there lights with a very easy UI, with rugged constructon, easy to grab, powered by simple C-cells, to understand by ANY (novel) user, which are better in overall properties than this Maglite, at this price? I seriously doubt it... but I'm not that deep into LED-lights, so suggestions are welcome gentleman :)

I made some pictures of this ML25LT light compared to my 6D incan Mag with the already much better MagNum star bulb, in both modes, but even in 2020 I just cannot add pictures like click and play. STILL I need to give an URL when I want to upload pictures, and I don't have an URL of my pictures. WAYY over the top complexity. TOO complex for me, that is. So, no pictures unfortunately...
I used to use the old mag incans years back.they were the dogs watsits back then but I've been swayed by the LED lights now and theres no going back! I still have a couple of my original Mags though. A two and a three D cell which I don't use now but keep them more for the history of them.
So I found this little bust-a-glass type tailcap on the www somehow and mulled over it for a few days because it was $20. It is supposed to be for the ML25, which was also $20. Then it occured to me the threads and tailcap are the same on the ML25 as the ML50, 100,125 and 150. Well the 100 and 125 differ some but the threads are the same.

Anywho, since the ML150 was over $100 another $20 didn't sound so bad. It arrived today. And came with stickerrrrrrrz.
View attachment 30773
It's a normal shape tailcap with removeable cap to expose a glass buster.
Now, the Maglite has a sorta gasket on the tailcap. The Litt has an over sized o'ring. What that does is provides resistance to the tailcap, which in turn makes it easier to twist off the glass breaker covering than removing the tailcap from the light.
Neat!! The remaining portion is grippy enough so if you don't intend to remove the glass breaker cover you won't.

Ok so it did not come with a spring. Removing the Maglite spring is easy enough. Putting it back was not so easy, nor installing it to the Litt. I tried and tried to no avail. Handy pliers and a light bend to the end of the spring allows the first half coil to fit into the stock or Litt tailcap and you twist from there. Press down on the spring to seat it and done.
View attachment 30772

Does loosening the lit cut the circuit like the stock tailcap? You betcha. No parasitic drain woes with the aftermarket tailcap. And still allows the tailcap to be the on/off switch on an ML25.

It adds about an inch to the length of the light. So the change is noticeable on a 2 cell length light but not much with a 3 cell length light like the ML150LR. Threads are nice, coating is good and I did not see any machine marks or flaws. Litt also has some other cool add ons for other Maglite products. Oh, US made too.

Now that's a throwback modern cop light
View attachment 30776
Add the storage container and that extra inch does not matter. It's already a big-*** light anyway.

Anodized finish looks shinny too!

Btw, I've found sometimes, if you ask Maglite CS nicely they'll accommodate sending spare tail springs.

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