Will NiteCore bring out a AAA light ??

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Sep 10, 2004
Seeing as they make such kickass AA's, why haven't they tried something smaller for the keychain market ?? :thinking:

Anybody know if they are working on something ?? :thumbsup:
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Re: Will NoteCore bring out a AAA light ??

Well someone's on grammar nazi mode tonight.
Oh dear - you have been here just one week, and already you are breaking Rules 4 and 8.

FYI, that would normally earn you an instant and probably quite lengthy suspension, but as you are new, you escape with a warning.

The point of my post was to illustrate that the spelling (not the grammar) of your title was incorrect in a way that indicated idleness, or disrespect for other members who will have to decipher it, or possibly just a couldn't-care-less attitude all round. I suggest you change it.
[OT/]interestingly enough that in some occasions the title change may be oblivious to the op. There are many threads in the archives that are misspelled words in the title and I have had some of my own that comes out wrong even after I proofed in in a word processor prior to posting...I think there might be a glitch somewhere in the server:ohgeez:[/OT]

well, AAs are probably the most cost effective alkaline size to work with, theres very limited energy inside AAAs to play around with [~800mah versus ~1600mah]. As a L0D-CE user I get hit with the harsh reality quite a few times already...Alkaline AAAs are basically useless when it comes to medium drain [~500ma] applications due to high internal resistance and severe voltage sag. They are more suitable in low drain apps [10-100ma] making it perfect for lights like the arcAAA or the E01. [I get 20 minutes of high on a duracell using the L0D-CE Q4, but I can get at least 12 hours from it using the E01]
In order to achieve a considerable runtime on AAAs, your either going to have to invest in L92 lithiums, which can get awfully expensive in the long run, buy some eneloops and cycle them [which is what I do: free lumens!], or refrain from using high mode unless deemed absolutely necessary.

Although the [or teh] form factor and the associating ergonomics may be more attractive to you as an individual...I doubt Nitecore [yes theres an i in it and no theres no o after the N] will produce a light of the sorts but its hard to say as the technological advances of more efficient LEDs continue everyday. It may be a reality someday, but for now I'm inclined to believe the limitations of the AAA may prevent such development now. I am always happy to be proven wrong though :popcorn:
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Re: Will NoteCore bring out a AAA light ??

Well, coming from someone called "Perfectionist", it's quite humorous to me.
ilLUMENati posted a similar mistake in another Nitecore thread, then came here to make his ill-judged remark.

We'll revert to the topic now.
OK, back to the original question, "Will NiteCore bring out an AAA light?"

I would love to see an AAA light from NiteCore with a simple UI like the D10 and EX10. Make it a twisty, with the twist action controlling the light in the way the "taps" do in the current models.
OK, back to the original question, "Will NiteCore bring out an AAA light?"

I would love to see an AAA light from NiteCore with a simple UI like the D10 and EX10. Make it a twisty, with the twist action controlling the light in the way the "taps" do in the current models.

PD system w/ ramping issue fixed and 10440 support please! :popcorn:
Re: Will NoteCore bring out a AAA light ??

+1 on the improved, but short, LF2XT from Liteflux!
I kinda would like to see a Nitecore AAA. But then again I really like my NDI. It has a perfect spot and a perfect body shape. Of coarse I would like to see an AAA and an AA SureFire, but that's just me.

BTW, correcting the spelling on the title seems "perfectly" logical to me. If there ends up being some good information in this thread and I want to search for it later, typing in Nitecore for a thread title search wouldn't help. I was going to mention the mistake myself but Dave beat me to it. IMO we should keep thread titles as accurate as possible.

Happy Holidays everyone.

Re: Will NoteCore bring out a AAA light ??

Get yourself a Fenix AAA ..... trust me, it'll rock your World !! (quick, edit your post, you made a typo with "interesting" !! :sssh:)

I've got an E01 (plus a couple more for Christmas gifts). Those are great, despite the spooky tint. Oh and thanks for pointing out my typo, it might have been overlooked but now I'm in trouble! :eek:
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