Will ROV 3W become a Cree?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 17, 2005
I like what I see and hear of the ROV 3W luxeon light that runs on 2AA batteries at Walmart, but it's hard to justify one since I already have a River Rock 2AA and as far as brightness, it doesn't seem that it would be that big of an improvement.

But what would definately be worthwhile is if ROV made this light with a Cree instead of a luxeon3. Wouldn't that make it as bright as the Fenix L2D CE on turbo mode? That's about 120 lumens!

How 'bout it Ray O Vac? Can we swing it?

To everyone else: Do you think a cree could be put in place of the luxeon, or would that require drastic design changes?
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The ROV is a rebadged Nuwai & Nuwai is loyal to Philips Lumileds so you will never see them use Cree.
The ROV is a rebadged Nuwai & Nuwai is loyal to Philips Lumileds so you will never see them use Cree.

The ROV 4W 3C model looks like a Nuwai, but is definitely a Cree 7090B XLamp. It looks very much like the others in the ROV Sportsman family, and like the River Rock. It's possible Nuwai supplies the bodies and someone else the engines, or that another supplier builds the lights to spec.
The ROV is a rebadged Nuwai & Nuwai is loyal to Philips Lumileds so you will never see them use Cree.

But doesn't the ROV 4W use the cree? If so, I think they could, and should put it also in the Sportsman Extreme 2AA.
I believe that light is still in production and not out yet. The ROV 4W is made by another company, I believe Futailite.
The ROV 4W 3C model looks like a Nuwai, but is definitely a Cree 7090B XLamp. It looks very much like the others in the ROV Sportsman family, and like the River Rock. It's possible Nuwai supplies the bodies and someone else the engines, or that another supplier builds the lights to spec.

Would it make any difference if one puts in a Q5 emitter in the ROV 3C..I have a couple of the 3C and wonder if it is worth replacing the LED's.
Would it make any difference if one puts in a Q5 emitter in the ROV 3C..I have a couple of the 3C and wonder if it is worth replacing the LED's.

Given the price and volume, I doubt the ROV has a Q bin - it seems to be designed for "cheap". It would make a difference to put in the Q5, but I don't know how visible the difference would be. If you're going to the effort, you might put a cheap led driver in with the old LED first. Then if you burn it out, at least it wasn't your Q5 :-O It does look like a good mod source - lots of aluminum, an optic, etc.
Would it make any difference if one puts in a Q5 emitter in the ROV 3C..I have a couple of the 3C and wonder if it is worth replacing the LED's.
I've changed to a Q5 in only two lights so far. In one, the light level improvement was 20%, and the other 32% when running the lights at their maximum brightness settings. Neither would be enough for you to probably notice without a meter. I don't know what bin was in either light to begin with - maybe the 20% one had a Q2 and the other a P4.
