Will they clean my carpet?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 9, 2008
So I'm reading the paper this morning when I run across this http://www.sacbee.com/374/story/888241.html
and naturally I spewed my coffee while lmao.

Having a flashlight in the car makes good sense. You never know, after all, when you might need to pore over a map or search for those quarters you dropped on the floor. But batteries don't last forever, and a light that won't come on is as useful as a broken coffee cup.
Enter the Greatlight rechargeable 1-watt LED flashlight, offering long-term reliability for around $30. Projecting up to 45 lumens of light (trust us; that's bright), it runs continuously for three hours and plugs into your 12-volt car charger when it comes time to re-up the juice. The manufacturer claims the Ni-Mh battery has a charge time of just 20 minutes.
Made of metal instead of plastic, the device has plenty of heft and a solid, quality feel. The removable cap covering the plug-in charging contact has a compass embedded in the end. We viewed that at first as a rather bogus touch. But then again, on a cloudy day or at night it's easy to get disoriented, and knowing which way is north can get you out of
Projecting up to 45 lumens of light (trust us; that's bright)
Hmmm shure thats bright if your not with me:devil:

Trust them....never...... well maybe since they are such a well known manufactuer and always get top revie........oh wait there not

was a good laugh though, thanks
Oh and thank God for that compass hope I'm not near any magnets (refering to the probability of a low quality compass)
Oh and thank God for that compass hope I'm not near any magnets (refering to the probability of a low quality compass)

Do you mean like a running vehicle, which has a fairly significant magnetic field?

You would have to be several feet away from the vehicle to get an unaffected reading from that compass.
$30? I'd rather have 2 E01's dangling off my rear view mirror, thankyou very much ;)
I can see several things wrong with this light:

1) it's way too long. In most cars it'd be uncomfortable to have that club sticking out of the lighter socket; in some stick shifts it can foul up the gearshift.

2) 20 minutes charge time = 3C charge = batteries won't live long

3) Why NiMH? It's large enough you could fit a 18650 in there. That would at least give it a reason to cost $30.

and finally:

But then again, on a cloudy day or at night it's easy to get disoriented, and knowing which way is north can get you out of a jam.
Are they aware that a street is not an infinite stretch of space? Compasses are useful on the sea and in air - roads have the irritating tendency of restricting your freedom of movement. Unless you're driving a 4x4 in the Sahara desert (and if you are you probably already have better portable lighting in your vehicle) I don't see how the compass is anything but useless tinsel.

I just reviewed a car flashlight that makes a lot more sense.

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