Wolf-Eyes Defender Q2 Review (vs. CL1H)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 22, 2007
I just received my Wolf-Eyes Defender Q2 4-mode from Liotec a few days ago, and I just got a chance to really check it out outdoors. BTW - I have to say I got great service and fast shipping from Liotec - I received the light within 3 days of ordering! John at Liotec was also extremely responsive to my questions (even used his Blackberry to respond to me when he was out of the office). :twothumbs

All the reviews for the Defender were dead on - it is truly one of the most solid feeling lights I have - truly built like a tank. This also means its heavier than my other lights with similar form-factors, but it feels great in the hand. The fit and finish are also excellent on this light, with absolutely no flaws I could find in the anodizing. I was surprised to see how deep the lens was set in the bezel....this thing can do some serious damage! :sick2:

One of the most impressive features of this light to me was all the brass used on this light. The entire inside of the battery tube is covered with a sleeve of brass, which really helps with the solid electrical connections on this light. As far as the threads go, I have a Surefire L1 Cree (one of my favorites), and this feels like it has even smoother threads than the Surefire. Needless to say I am pretty impressed with it.

The one area they can really improve on is the tactical clickie. It gives you almost no feedback that it has been fully engaged, and is sometimes difficult to press fully on even though it protrudes from the tailcap. Not a big deal, but it could definitely be better.

I wanted to see how it would do next to my Deree Q5 CL1H, knowing that it wouldn't quite stand up to it since it only had a Q2. I was pretty surprised - I can't wait to see what the Q5 upgrade will do! The reflector on this light is smaller, but the throw is still decent. However, the spill is some of the brightest and prettiest I've seen! :twothumbs

The Defender:








Here's some beamshots compared to my CL1H:



Defender on High - Normal exposure

CL1H on High - Normal exposure

Defender on high - stepped down exposure

CL1H on high - stepped down exposure

Defender on high - further stepped down exposure

CL1H on high - further stepped down exposure

Defender - high

CL1H -high

Backyard control shot - 50 feet

Defender - high

CL1H - High
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I was scrolling through the white wall beam shots hoping for some outdoor action and there they are. Very nicely done, especially when it looks so chilly outside. Looks like the Defender certainly holds its own over that distance anyway. I have the older model and it is still my go to light for around home and the yard. The spill and beam are great

I have disagree with you on the travel in the clickie, but i guess it comes down to personal preference. I actually like the fact it takes quite a bit of travel before it switches on, gives a lot more room for error when utilising it in a momentary manner which i quite often do.

I was scrolling through the white wall beam shots hoping for some outdoor action and there they are. Very nicely done, especially when it looks so chilly outside. Looks like the Defender certainly holds its own over that distance anyway. I have the older model and it is still my go to light for around home and the yard. The spill and beam are great

I have disagree with you on the travel in the clickie, but i guess it comes down to personal preference. I actually like the fact it takes quite a bit of travel before it switches on, gives a lot more room for error when utilising it in a momentary manner which i quite often do.

Thanks for the kind remarks KeeperSD - I'm still new and learning at posting reviews, but I've learned a lot from reading other reviews (some are professional in my opinion), but I have fun doing it anyway! I got the light last week and was dying to get outside to test it out, but it's been frigid lately and it finally warmed up a bit...

I actually think the travel distance is ok on the clicky, which is I think is very important on this light since you also change levels before fully pressing and turning the light on. But for me, when pressing the clicky I seem to have to depress on the very center point on the clicky, as the whole clicky does not move. I seem to have to arch my thumb more than with other lights to get the tip of my thumb into the very center point of the clicky to fully click. If I press hard with my thumb flat on the button it will not turn on.

One reason I like lights with completely exposed clickies is the ease of turning off/on with my hand in a natural position with my thumb on the clicky, and this one isn't much easier than others I have with a tailcap rim for tail standing.

Like I said, this doesn't make me like the light any less, and for the price I don't think you can find a better light. :twothumbs But if there were a replacement clicky for this light that I could find (even a reverse-clicky believe it or not), I would buy it.
... and for the price I don't think you can find a better light. :twothumbs
Is this the light that I just saw at one place for about $70? If so: I would tend to agree. It looks to me to be better than the CL1H in all respects, other than perhaps the clicky.

But if there were a replacement clicky for this light that I could find (even a reverse-clicky believe it or not), I would buy it.
Yeah, your description of the clicky is kind of a concern.

Is this the light that I just saw at one place for about $70? If so: I would tend to agree. It looks to me to be better than the CL1H in all respects, other than perhaps the clicky.

Yeah, your description of the clicky is kind of a concern.

Yep - around $70-$80 most places - an excellent buy. I just wish I could find the Q5 module at a reasonable price...best I could find is $58.. that's almost as much as the entire light equipped with a Q2! :eek:

I should mention, the clickie doesn't feel cheep or like it will wear out, I'm sure it will last a long time. It's just not the easiest one to activate, and I just like clickies that give you that solid "click" feedback.
Nice review. I always enjoy viewing outdoor shots. I got my Defender II from JohnB about 2 weeks ago a love it. It's exactly what I was looking for. I agree that the travel is far on the clickie, but I rarely depress it all the way so it's no big deal for me. I'm use to using the momentary and I rarely have the light on for more than 10 seconds. I don't necessarily agree with your comment on feedback with the clickie, but that's probably personal preference. I hear and feel a definite "click" when depressed all the way. Of course, I don't have a Lumapower or Deerelight to compare it with. Nevertheless, it is a light I would not hesitate recommending to anyone. Happy holidays.
Nice review. I always enjoy viewing outdoor shots. I got my Defender II from JohnB about 2 weeks ago a love it. It's exactly what I was looking for. I agree that the travel is far on the clickie, but I rarely depress it all the way so it's no big deal for me. I'm use to using the momentary and I rarely have the light on for more than 10 seconds. I don't necessarily agree with your comment on feedback with the clickie, but that's probably personal preference. I hear and feel a definite "click" when depressed all the way. Of course, I don't have a Lumapower or Deerelight to compare it with. Nevertheless, it is a light I would not hesitate recommending to anyone. Happy holidays.

Thanks Vtran. I agree that the clickie is probably more personal preference than anything since it operates just fine, but is just different from my other lights. Like you I would also highly recommend this light to anyone. :thumbsup:

As a matter of fact, I like this light so well I am also looking at the very similar WE Sniper. Pretty much the same light without the attack bezel. I think it would be a hair smaller, and without the deep bezel would have a more perfectly round beam. And bigger spill maybe? Anyway, I want another one of these Wolf-Eyes!:rock:
You could always hold off until the Fox1 becomes available.

Similar size to the Defender however with a deeper reflector meaning more throw. http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=181510 That is my next WE purchase, that will only make 6 WE lights that i own. The sniper is a nice little light though and at the price easily justified. You are right in saying that it is a touch smaller. I have used the Sniper bezel on the Defender before and haven't really noticed that much difference, however i can't comare the two side by side as i have a smooth reflector in my sniper.

In relation to the switch, i would say once you become familar with it you won't even notice it, but i have heard similar comments from others before.
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I have seen a couple of posts on the new Fox - it does look nice! It would be the only focusing LED light I have, which would be a very useful feature to have if it worked well. Hard to imagine how this would work with an LED emitter like the Q5 though.

It looks like it's already released at PTS

but still a pre-order at Liotec
http://www.liotec.com/store/Wolf-eyes led page1013.htm

I'll be waiting anxiously for your review when you get it! :popcorn:
GlenC from Quarterflash is holidaying in Thailand until late January so i suspect there should be a few reviews on here before mine comes along. :sigh:

You are quite right that it appears that PTS has them in stock, be interesting as i know of at least one that was pre ordered so hopefully some more information should become available soon. :poke:
GlenC from Quarterflash is holidaying in Thailand until late January so i suspect there should be a few reviews on here before mine comes along. :sigh:

You are quite right that it appears that PTS has them in stock, be interesting as i know of at least one that was pre ordered so hopefully some more information should become available soon. :poke:
Nice review there rpshank.
Beam shots are nice, everybody likes beamshots!

Thanks for your support KeeperSD! We shipped 21 Fox-1 to confirmed CPF members today so I'm sure you will see some reviews soon.
The new Fox has the deepest reflector WE has ever produced and IMO the reflector design is quite nice. The Q5 is certainly very bright and the new style is nice, almost sexy for a WE.
Hi -
Does the Defender have the same brightness on a 168a rechargeable as 2 123 primaries, considering the difference in voltage?
Hi -
Does the Defender have the same brightness on a 168a rechargeable as 2 123 primaries, considering the difference in voltage?
Good question - I haven't tested that with my Defender yet. I've only used an 18650 Li-ion with it so far. I will do a comparison test with CR123 primaries tonight and post some comparison beamshots. Since I don't have a lux meter it will have to be an eyeball comparison unless someone with a lux meter can reply.
Thanks rpshank - I'll be looking forward to your beamshots. An eyeball test is fine, since that's really the bottom line in real world use. I'm seriously considering getting a Sniper with the rechargeable battery. Is the overall output noticeably greater than your L1 cree? (my other choice)
Thanks for your time! :thumbsup:
Hi -
Does the Defender have the same brightness on a 168a rechargeable as 2 123 primaries, considering the difference in voltage?

I did a couple of indoor beamshots this evening with an 18650 Li-ion vs. 2 CR123s and I don't see any difference in output, but you can be the judge:

NOTE: I just looked at these posts from another computer and they all (even the ones in my first post) look very dark compared to what I see in person. In person the Defender spill really lights up most of the room. I was trying to set the camera exposure to what it looks like in person, and it looks close on the camera screen and my other computer, but it looks very underexposed from this PC. However, this may actually help a little to see the difference in brightness between the two battery configs and between the Defender and the L1.

Defender with two fresh CR123s (Surefire brand):

Defender with charged 18650:

Thanks rpshank - I'll be looking forward to your beamshots. An eyeball test is fine, since that's really the bottom line in real world use. I'm seriously considering getting a Sniper with the rechargeable battery. Is the overall output noticeably greater than your L1 cree? (my other choice)
Thanks for your time! :thumbsup:

The Sniper is the next Wolf-Eyes light I want to get. I did a quick couple of beamshots with my Defender vs. my L1 Cree so you can see the output difference and beam profiles. Remember the Defender is a two battery light vs. one CR123 in the L1, so it's going to have more output. Also, the beam on the L1 is completely different, with a very large, bright spot that really throws but with little side spill. It is an awesome beam in use outside, trust me. The Defender has a semi-throwy beam with lots of great spill, so really different beam profiles on these lights. (BTW, I took these at a different time than the above with slightly different camera settings, so the Defender shot here will look different than above). Here they are:

Defender with 18650:

Surefire L1 Cree (fresh Surefire 1XCR123):
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Thanks for all your effort rpshank!!
I agree, there doesn't seem to be any difference between the 18650 and the primary 123's in the Defender. I guess the electronics account for that, and the difference would be in runtime.
Like you said, the Defender beam has more spill than the L1, but wouldn't this make the output more useable if the throw is somewhat comparable? The L1 would probably be easier to edc, which is what I need the light for though. Which one would you carry, if you had to choose only one?
Thanks again.
Thanks for all your effort rpshank!!
I agree, there doesn't seem to be any difference between the 18650 and the primary 123's in the Defender. I guess the electronics account for that, and the difference would be in runtime.
Like you said, the Defender beam has more spill than the L1, but wouldn't this make the output more useable if the throw is somewhat comparable? The L1 would probably be easier to edc, which is what I need the light for though. Which one would you carry, if you had to choose only one?
Thanks again.
No problem - glad I could help. The Defender does have bigger/brighter spill and very decent throw, which makes it a very useable light all the way around. However, the L1 also has great throw with a huge hotspot that really seems to grow when you get it outdoors. This also makes it a great outdoors (just read all the testimonials), but just lights up a somewhat smaller area than the Defender. I find it my go-to light for just about anything because of it's extremely useful UI (light press for momentary low, firmer press for momentary high, twist to constant on low, more for high).

So - two superb lights. Now as soon as you mention EDC, I'm afraid the L1 wins hands down. Small, light, easily fits and clips in your pocket almost without knowing it's there. No contest as far as that goes. The Defender is great in a holster, but due to its size and weight I don't see it as an EDC light IMO.

Just my 2 cents.
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Much appreciated rpshank - thanks for the useful information. All I have to do now is decide what to get! It would be cool to have both though.....