Wolf-Eyes: Digital Police and T3?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 4, 2009
I rarely hear much about Wolf-Eyes. I had my eye on the Quark Maelstrom M500 but I see that the Wolf-Eyes Digital Police seems similar and already available. The Digital Police is 700 lumens (I imagine that is not OTF) and the T3 is 850 lumens!

Anyone own one of these and do you like them? Anyone know of any reviews on these?

Sorry if this info is already here, I looked but couldn't find it.

I am really thinking about getting the T3 and could use some advice!

I am no expert though and often rely on the experts in this forum. I think the T3 would be similar to the Digital Police (MC-E) but maybe throw farther.... is that right?
I have not seen a Wolf-Eyes light made for throw. If you are looking for throw they are not the light for you. They offer a nice combination of flood and throw. The only issues I have ever had was one tactictal tail switch that failed after a couple years of use and one LED Tailcap that was DOA and was immediately handled py PTS

Those are emitter ratings and I believe they are 500 and 600 lumen out the front per Wolf-Eyes. Wolfies are nice lights. I have a Raider and a MCE Sniper and one of these two may be joining the stable soon. I was also looking at the Maelstrom, but these two are lights that are available now.
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I havent heard much about wolf eyes in a while either. All the other chinese companies are good at staying in the spotlight, I guess wolf eyes has been chugging along?
I'm not sure what to buy. I want something brighter than my DBS MCE. I like the flood with moderate throw. I looked at the Malkoffs but the brightest doesn't seem to be an upgrade from the DBS. I don't want to wait 6 months for the SST lights to come out. I would want to spend approximately $200 or a bit more. Any suggestions?
Overall WE lites are ok. I do think they are a bit overpriced though. And little things like they dont use AR coated windows which on a lite of this price that should be a given.

PTS gives great service and you wont be dissappointed overall with their lites . solid,good machining etc. Annodizing is a bit fragile also.
Overall WE lites are ok. I do think they are a bit overpriced though. And little things like they dont use AR coated windows which on a lite of this price that should be a given.

PTS gives great service and you wont be dissappointed overall with their lites . solid,good machining etc. Annodizing is a bit fragile also.

It seems the "Digital Police" model has anti-reflective coating. I'm not sure about the T3? Thanks for the info, I am looking at the PTS site.
oh ok. That is good. Sounds like they are immproving on the details which is nice to see. They are good lights and I believe they have efficient circuitry .