Wolf-eyes lamp or Dereelight drop-in? (My sniper bulb is broken!)


Newly Enlightened
Dec 28, 2008
I dropped my wolf-eyes sniper today and the light won't work right. It lights up but then fades quickly (it fades to zero in under a second).

Should I get another wolf-eyes cree drop-in or should I go with a dereelight drop-in? I'm looking for decent throw but I am more concerned with a wide and bright side-spill. I was very happy with the wolf-eyes bulb but I wonder if the Deree will be any different?


Isn't the Sniper an incandescent light? In that case I'd look for battery problems first, when Incan's fail they normally don't light up at all. A blink of light that fades rapidly sounds like dead/damaged batteries.
Like Yoda4561 already mentioned; incan or LED Sniper. If the light is still new you should contact the dealer you got it from.

Also I don't think Dereelight drop in's will fit Wolf Eye's lights.
I have the WE cree drop-in. I don't think it's the batteries because I tried switching those out. I thought the Dereelight drop-ins were p60 bulbs?
I have the WE cree drop-in. I don't think it's the batteries because I tried switching those out. I thought the Dereelight drop-ins were p60 bulbs?

The Dereelight drop-ins wont fit the Sniper.......if you check out my LED beamshots in my sig line you will find that the WE Q5 LED will be the best choice for what you want anyway, a good balance between throw and spill.
Check the module for any obvious signs of damage and reinstall it, see if that helps any. If you're sure the batteries are good, try bypassing the switch. Just connect the battery's negative end to the tube with a paperclip or other conductive bit of metal. If the light behaves the same then it can't be anything but a bad LED module. You should probably seek warranty service if the module or switch has failed from a little drop.
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