Writeup on Ebay RGY Laser Projector


May 21, 2003
West Virginia
Hi Guys,

Well I have been eying these things for a while now, ever since I got my other computer controlled laser scanner setup.

This is more of an automated easy to setup one.
It is also multi colored :)

Writeup for the CL-16RGY Laser



OK, now that that's out of the way, it seems like a fairly simple device to build. The hardest part would be generating the signals to generate the patterns.

Now that I've seen the inside of yours (and realized that an RGY setup requires only 2 LASER diodes) I am going to redouble my efforts to finish my scanner.

Thank you for the jump start...now, if it would just stop raining in Texas, I might have some time for hobbies. (I fix computers, and the daily lightning storms are keeping me busy)

-- Chuck Knight

P.S. I presume that DMX is a controller system, but do you have any information on it? It appears to be a bus system, resembling SCSI in certain respects.

P.P.S. How well did your parallel port system work? That's what I'm building...
Hello Chuck,

Thanks for the comments, its been alot of fun.
The parallel setup is working fine. It is a bit more fun if you really want to take the time to do all the adjustments, and really play around with the software.
I am using a program called Popelscan. Here is a vid I made while testing out some of the pre-programed shapes.
http://www.jtice.com/home_movs/laser/XY_Scanner/randome scan behind 1.AVI

Even though I only have one laser diode running with it, it can do more interesting shapes, etc, seeing how you can make it do what ever you want, and dont have to stick with the pre-programmed ones.
Though my galvos (stepper motors) are not very fast, and are really only suited for patterns.
But, it can be a bit of a pain, as mine is not in a nice project box yet,
and you have to get out the laptop, hook up all that, etc.
Good bit of setup involved, seeing how I even have to align the laser each time, as I dont have that mounted with it perminentely.

The Ebay DJ type laser projector is super simple. Plug in in the power, done. :p
The DMX control is the standard for your typical DJ, or concert.
I really dont know much about it yet, as this is the first device I have had that used it, and I dont even have a DMX controller yet.
From what the manual says though, I should be able to select which pre-programmed pattern I want,
and be able to change certain parameters of it. Such as speed, width, some color control, position, etc.
