My English is not the best, but i hope, everybody who read this, will understand, what i want to say.

In january i looked at a GatLight Pila. Spent a lot of time, reading every old thread from the last years, where the word "GatLight" was in.
Then sent a lot of PM`s, to all of the owners of a GatLight, i looked for.
Then in february (very fast

) i got an info, someone owned a GatLight Pila.
Need very long, think 4 - 5 weeks, to get more infos, specially pictures.
Then in march i bought a GatLight Pila V1 SS, paid and was waiting for shipping the parcel.
I ordered normal shipping. But the shipping needed 5 weeks !!!

Some times, i thought, shipping is lost. And then, i have to

the shipping company (not the seller).
But yesterday, longer than 5 weeks later, a parcel arrived me home.
Best packaging, no damaging.
I looked inside,......
and now, you have to look at pictures. You can see these here:
The seller sold me these rare GatLight for a very "normal" price. And wat comes to me ???
A beauty in a speciall, after the selling in handmade work bild wooden beautyful case.
The words are missing to me.
So many perfect work to sent the flashlight in a surely and beautyful case. No more money for this

and no words before shipping.
This seller is the.... i have really no words for this.
Christmas and Birthday at one day.
If you have to look for exactly this wonderful behavior, you have to look over 1.000 times to find one.
I have to say
Thank you more than 1.000 times. These Light and the case get an honour place next to my other GatLights.
Greatest guy for me.
And this guy is one of cpf, it`s
Thanks a lot, greetings from Germany