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Sold/Expired WTT mint Ti trit. piston for bare Ti piston

It is not inconceivable that some may prefer a bare piston to
one with trit. even if the majority would prefer the other way round.

So give the guy a break.
I'll do it! I got a bare piston on my Al PD, and have been wanting trit for mine for awhile now. Send me a PM :)

*EDIT* Darn, just noticed it's for a ti piston, mine is aluminum :ohgeez:
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Jumping the gun a little there Fringe ? :thinking:

I honestly meant that it was a SWEET DEAL.

I actually sold my first Ti-PD because it didn't
have the trit. I then brought a TI-PD-S because of the trit.

I would have jumped all over this back then.

Best of luck in your search!

**Warning - sales plug ahead**

You can buy mine with the bare piston and sell yours with the trit. Piston is bare ti, as received from Don. That's the only way that I can help you with your search.

Okay, it's no longer available. It has been sold, but the buyer posted that he sent you a PM, so maybe it's your lucky day. :)
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JediNight said:
Jumping the gun a little there Fringe ? :thinking:

I honestly meant that it was a SWEET DEAL.

I actually sold my first Ti-PD because it didn't
have the trit. I then brought a TI-PD-S because of the trit.

I would have jumped all over this back then.

Best of luck in your search!


To be fair, I think the LOL part after the comment, "I'm sure the trade
will happen quickly" is easy to misinterpret as sarcasm.
Unfortunately the printed word does not include tone of voice, nor facial gestures, nor body language, so sometimes the subtleties of communication can be lost on an internet forum. Fortunately CPF is a good place with a lot of quality folks, so you can probably give most posters the benefit of the doubt. Good luck on the trade, BTW! :)
I have not idea how I could have misinterpreted your post. I even had to re-read it several times to make sure.
I think YOU mis-read my post.
Maybe you should mind that in the future. I am a nice guy and feel I am well respected here, I hope the same for you too.
Anyway, all I meant was a friendly bump to a good deal.
Never meant any insults whatsoever or to question your standing here at CPF.

OK, back to your original thread...

Did you get someone to trade with yet?
Your PM box was full. I shipped priority mail this morning. I'll send tracking number when your box opens up. Please ship your piston at your earliest convenience. Thanks.
Howdy Fringe! :wave:

Looks like you found what you were looking for but if not, send me a PM or an Email and I will get you fixed up. ;)
