As I always do when I go to Walmart, I checked out the flashlights. One caught my eye: a 2 D-cell light made out of stainless steel, made by Garrity (not exactly a top brand, in my book..). But what really caught my attention was the note that the light uses a *xenon* lamp.
It appears to be a standard PR base lamp. And, the light comes with a spare lamp, too. I didn't buy the light, as I've exceeded my budget for flashlights for about the next 3 months.
Actually, I wish I had bought it; it was only $12. So, has anyone seen this light, and does the xenon lamp put out better light than the old stand-by HPR-52 halogen lamp for 2 D cells? It looks promising, especially if Garrity stocks and sells the lamps, at a decent price.