Xenon Super White Festoon Dome Light Bulbs


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 16, 2002
At the bottom of this page they list Xenon Super White Festoon Dome Light Bulbs. http://autolumination.com/festoon.htm Are most OEM automotive bulbs halogen then or something else? I assume that the Xenon are brighter than OEM? If so, by how much?

Also, I was looking at a DE3175R or DE3175RJ from here http://www.lightlens.com/coloredbulbs.htm are they likely to be halogen, Xenon, or something else?
The bulbs are all incandescent. These so-called "xenon" bulbs contain no xenon, they just use blue-colored glass, which means you get significantly less light. They aren't "whiter", they're bluer. There is no good reason to waste money on this kind of junk.
Thank you for the tip on that. I did stop by a Pep Boys earlier today and it was sort of confusing there. The reference material they had showed a 579 for my Dodge Stratus. I went to install it in the parking lot and the one I pulled out was actually a 578. But then they gave me a red 211 to replace it. On my Chevrolet pick-up it is marked 211-2. I am not sure what the differences are between a 211 and 211-2, but the 211-2 does have the rigid loops on each end of the bulb.