XR-E wow light.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 10, 2008
Like the title says I'm making a small 18650 wow light with a kit from dx. About how many lumens should you expect from an R2 led driving it at 2 amps? The light gets warm fast so it's not for running for more than 5 minutes at a time but wow is it bright!
If I were you, I wouldn't run it at 2amps. Research lumen maintenance. I'd recommend 1.5amps max.
Yeah I don't really care. I heat sinked it really well with arctic silver on all mating joints and it's not going to see very much use really at most a minute or two of running at a time, even 30 seconds into running you can feel the heat because the heat sinking works so quickly. Even after 10 minutes continuous running I don't see a tint shift but the light does start getting a little toasty. It's whole purpose is really just as a ringer in a possible future flashlight showdown a lot like my 4 amp driven MC-E light. I have actual useful lights but those two are my aces in the hole.
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if you are using high resistance 18650 cells then chances are its not going to see all 2000 mah. If you are using an IMR cell however...:poof: If it were me I would not run it longer than ~45 seconds... 60 tops. Once the emitter warms (even the slightest bit), its not going to be any brighter than 1200mah.
I already built it and measured it, it runs 2 amps to the led. Oh I just measured the brightness using my dslr camera using a ceiling bounce. I find its exposure meter is a pretty consistent way to judge brightness compared to other lights. It is right around twice as bright at my R2 p60 light which is driven at 800 ma. So if I assume 200 otf lumens which is a bit on the conservative side since I should be getting about 260 bulb lumens, this means I'm getting roughly 400 otf lumens out of this light. Which pretty much follows the graph that cree provides if you extend out the graph to 2 amps since it stops at 1 amp.
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