XTAR TZ50 switch broke. Ideas? :-(


Jan 7, 2010
Sad days for me. My XTAR TZ-50 outrider broke. It was getting flaky but a few days ago the tailcap switch is totally hozed.
Won't turn off, changes modes by shaking, button has little to no effect. Switch has a faint burned smell.

No response from the sellers so far, so unsure how to get a replacement.

I was wondering if anyone knew some leet tricks to getting things working again. Anyone own a TZ-50, and had any luck using a more popular brand of switch on it?

Anyways, any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!
Burned smell... not good, that means its current capacity has been exceeded. I am guessing the contact pieces melted and fused together and now no longer turns off.

Can you post some pictures of the switch cap? If its a standard chinese type pill, you just unscrew the ring with needle nose or snap ring pliers and it comes apart.
Xtar has a pretty good presence on the marketplace, have you tried posting or PM'ing them there?
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