Hey guys...after reading about bailout/bugout bags from tiem to tiem I decided it would be good to make one, just because you never do know when you could need it...So this is what I came up with, Im just looking for some opinions...I know I cna get pretty crazy with all kidns of stuff, but Im looking just for a basic kit to keep it light but effective...Here is what I have so far (still working on it though)
I have this stuff in a Pelican 1060 case...
- Folder (Gerber EZ-out combo edge)
- Neck knife (Cold Steel Para-edge combo edge knife)
- SAK (camper Swiss Army Knife, all your basic tools, minus a small saw)
- Leatherman Wave (most oif you already know what it has, plus a saw, which the SAK lacks...)
- Photon freedom Micro...
- small cheap fold out knife for use with the magnesium block...
- Magnesium block/stick
- 2 small boxes of stick matches
- 1 box of water proof stick matches
- Safe-light 9V emergency flashlight
- Smith's handheld sharpenign tool, small compact cheap sharpener...
I have this in a Pelican 1010 case...
- 10 Bandaids
- 2 oversized bandaids
- small wood box with Advil regular and gel capsules...
Soon to have gauze, antibaterial cream, and a simple, sewing kit...
I have all of these thgins in a pocket organizer I got from countycomm...
- pack of gum
- widgy bar (mini prybar)
- 2 pens
- torx driver (for knife adjustments)
- mini screwdriver set
- pen shaped sharpener (comes to a point, good for different uses)
- permanent marker (black)
- more bandaids and gauze...
- pad of paper
- Fenix L1S
- case with 4 spare AA's for the Fenix
- and a paracord bracelet that if unbraided will give me 10 feet of usable paracord...good for lots of things...
Other things I have in the main bag...
- Mag 2D flashlight with LED upgrade
- new package of 4 D batteries for the maglite...
- 2 bandanas, one red, and one bright green...
- camping "multitool" good for the extra knife and corscrew, but I mainly have it for the utensils (spoon and fork)
- roll of eletrical tape
- extra wallet soon to have some cash in different bills as well as change...also thinkign about having a credit card in their just in case...
- Fixed blade (Benchmade model 155)
some extra thigns I am planning to add...
- FOOD, definatly but not sure what yet...possibly energy bars, beef jerkey, maybe spam...just lookign for good long term storage foods...
- I would like to have at least 2 flares as well...
- compass is a must which I dont have yet, as well as a whistle...
- I need a watre bottle...mayeb some water purification tablets?
- I would like to have a blanet of some kind too...
- Small axe?
- I would like a small radio but dont think I need one...
- A knit hat would be good for cold weather...
- and last but not least I would like to add a book or 2 to kill time...maybe the bible and a long novel?
Anyway, here are some pics...the pockets on the front of the bag are empty and the back big pocket only has the fixed blade in it, so plenty of room for more goodies...
Oh yeah keep in mind besides all this crap I will always have a good folder razor sharp and ready to go on my person, sometimes a backup blade of soem kind too (currently a Benchmade rescue hook), so Im set with the knives, lol...
I have this stuff in a Pelican 1060 case...
- Folder (Gerber EZ-out combo edge)
- Neck knife (Cold Steel Para-edge combo edge knife)
- SAK (camper Swiss Army Knife, all your basic tools, minus a small saw)
- Leatherman Wave (most oif you already know what it has, plus a saw, which the SAK lacks...)
- Photon freedom Micro...
- small cheap fold out knife for use with the magnesium block...
- Magnesium block/stick
- 2 small boxes of stick matches
- 1 box of water proof stick matches
- Safe-light 9V emergency flashlight
- Smith's handheld sharpenign tool, small compact cheap sharpener...
I have this in a Pelican 1010 case...
- 10 Bandaids
- 2 oversized bandaids
- small wood box with Advil regular and gel capsules...
Soon to have gauze, antibaterial cream, and a simple, sewing kit...
I have all of these thgins in a pocket organizer I got from countycomm...
- pack of gum
- widgy bar (mini prybar)
- 2 pens
- torx driver (for knife adjustments)
- mini screwdriver set
- pen shaped sharpener (comes to a point, good for different uses)
- permanent marker (black)
- more bandaids and gauze...
- pad of paper
- Fenix L1S
- case with 4 spare AA's for the Fenix
- and a paracord bracelet that if unbraided will give me 10 feet of usable paracord...good for lots of things...
Other things I have in the main bag...
- Mag 2D flashlight with LED upgrade
- new package of 4 D batteries for the maglite...
- 2 bandanas, one red, and one bright green...
- camping "multitool" good for the extra knife and corscrew, but I mainly have it for the utensils (spoon and fork)
- roll of eletrical tape
- extra wallet soon to have some cash in different bills as well as change...also thinkign about having a credit card in their just in case...
- Fixed blade (Benchmade model 155)
some extra thigns I am planning to add...
- FOOD, definatly but not sure what yet...possibly energy bars, beef jerkey, maybe spam...just lookign for good long term storage foods...
- I would like to have at least 2 flares as well...
- compass is a must which I dont have yet, as well as a whistle...
- I need a watre bottle...mayeb some water purification tablets?
- I would like to have a blanet of some kind too...
- Small axe?
- I would like a small radio but dont think I need one...
- A knit hat would be good for cold weather...
- and last but not least I would like to add a book or 2 to kill time...maybe the bible and a long novel?
Anyway, here are some pics...the pockets on the front of the bag are empty and the back big pocket only has the fixed blade in it, so plenty of room for more goodies...

Oh yeah keep in mind besides all this crap I will always have a good folder razor sharp and ready to go on my person, sometimes a backup blade of soem kind too (currently a Benchmade rescue hook), so Im set with the knives, lol...
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