Your Favorite Non-Political Bumper Stickers & Signage


Seen on a pink, recent model VW Beetle....
Yes they're mine. I paid for them.
Ok all,
Just remember you asked.

Got annoyed with the 'healthy people' and their "26.2" bumper stickers implying they run marathons.
Ain't that nice.
I can't run 26 steps let alone that number of miles.

Was tempted to make a sticker that reads "0.0". Kinda fits how I think about them. Seems someone has beaten me to the punch.

Most people know nothing about the inner workings of their electronic gadgets. Had the idea to continue to mess up the 'healthy people' by putting component part numbers on bumper stickers and let them puzzle it all out.

Such as



I can just see one of those trying to puzzle out what a 3CX3000X is while driving and plowing their car into a tree while playing on the phone. I would feel bad for the tree. It did not need the abuse.

Since getting involved in 3D printing, I make a fair amount of little tasteless signs. Usually, 100x200mm. Sometimes larger.

My sister is one of those who 'feeds the birds' and wonder why her car looks like a modern art project.
So I made up some "Warner Brothers" cartoon style signs. One that reads "Free Bird Seed", in the event they needed visual direction.

And another bud that wanted one for his "Pet Rock Cemetary". Bound to cause a tight smile.

Had a boss like this, he was a tough dude. In fact he was one of the reasons I want to Iraq as a contractor to get away from that toxic job.
Please forgive the screen shot, the actual looks fairly good.

The second sign is a quote from an old SF story, I think Larry Niven wrote it.

My personal favorite that I don't have an image for..

"Gravity, the quickest way down."
From James Blish describing how to get out of a sky scraper in a hurry.

Time Travel Club meets here 1900 last Thursday.

Thinking about this one from a John Stakley novel
"Your are, what you do, when it counts"
That might be fun as well.

Made some 'offensive' ones that I have not included here. No reason to abuse people and get bounced to the curb.

Keep it sane
Jack Crow


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I'm sure they serve perfectly delicious food at that Asian restaurant. 😁
Closed... COVID killed My Dung :cry:

From an old Yelp review:
Cell Phone text message at 6pm...
Friend: "You wanna eat my dung tonight?"
Me: "Heck no. I am not eating your Sh!T!"
Friend: "No... My Dung - The Pho place"

Me: "Ooh...Okay"
Well, they could re-open. Maybe under new management, if it was run properly. Perhaps a new kitchen staff.... definitely a new name.... I'm sure it could be profitable.
Get rid of the N and the G.
Call it MY DU.
Start up an Ad. campaign called "MY DU, where WE DU for you and your hungry stomach." (Advertise in the Penney Saver. Their rates are cheap.)

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