Your favorite "work" light for those working in construction?

:twothumbsI use an UF 502b wit R2 single mode with 18650 battery all can be had for under 30 bucks w the battery so no guilt if somting bad happens.
I think a no guilt light is a good idea, lights are tough but bad things can happen on a construction site to a flashlight, or so I would imagine.....

I'm sure you still want something of decent quality, but I would be looking at the romisens, the rayovac sportsman extremes, maybe the duracell daylites, etc. for something around 25 bucks but still of respectable quality.
i carry and use a e2dl on a neck lanyard, kept in my chest pocket of my bibs for work. i don't want to lose it and i figure it's tough enough to handle my work.
I have a connexion x2. I've been using it for 6 months or so everyday. It works great with the turbo force head and fits in my pocket nicely.
My Quark AA^2 comes in very handy on my job site. An Ultrafire C3 is what I was using as a nice and cheap solution until my brother needed a light for his work. He carried the C3 for a week and had to sell it to a co-worker just to keep the guy from asking for it everyday. He bought the same light again and is basically taking orders for them at work.
How can you go wrong with a MiniMag 2AA with the Rebel LED? Just picked some up at Lowes for $10.97. Plenty bright, even up in a ceiling. If I'm working on an AC unit or a VAV , I'll use the low mode. I've been using Mag lights for years. They've been dropped off of 8' ladders more times that I care to remember and always work.
pd30 or the neutral Quark AA-2 Tact.

today I used my RA 200CN for the first time at work. Not really sure if it will be a work light but only for EDC needs;)
Well I'm not exactly working on sites, but if this count,
I'm a site supervisor and in addition, I have some contracts for inspections
for our local subway company.

For usual jobs: 4Sevens Quark tactical AA with 14500 batteries.

On inspections tours (bridges, stations and subway tunnels):

In the past: Solarforce L900m, Wolf Eyes Sniper MC-E as a backup,
Quark tac as a last resort.

Next tour: Solarforce L900m and/or Thrunite Catapult
(have to see how good the Catapult is for this job)
Olight M21 (as my Sniper died and I sent it in for repair)
good old Quark tac (AA or 2x123) as a last resort.

2-3 additional light in the car…just in case.
I'm a carpenter, on the jobsite everyday. Mostly renovations, additions and remodeling. Frame to finish, meaning everything from demo to framing to installing the kitchen to roofing. the stuff in my toolbelt is put to pretty harsh punishment. I keep a SF 6PL in a SF velcro holster attached to my toolbelt. Use it almost daily and the other guys are always askin me for it too. that little light is a tank so its perfect for the application.
P4 modded HDS b42 which see use clipped on the bill of my cap pretty often.

I do contract labor, dirt work, handyman, basicly whatever pays right now! I use a K2 modded Novatac 120P. It's tough as nails, droped it 30' from a skylift onto 3/4" plate steel, etc. and it's worked flawlessly for 3? years. Fits in my pocket, always there, never in the way, need more light, it's there, need less light, it's there.
The ONLY reason I modded it is because I was really getting tempted to buy a new RA, but for $30 I could upgrade this one.
The RA lights are supposed to be even tougher, I don' know how or why this is needed, but.........................
Yes it does take a while to get used to carying that much money in your pocke, but you learn what it feels like and when it's gone quick!! I had a hard time with this, even made a lanyard, that got used for a day?

It's a tool, at the end of the day remebe that! How much did you drop on that last cordless combo? You get what you pay for!
i go back and forth between a solarforce L2 w/nailbender h/m/l xp-g r4 drop-in and an eagletac t100c2, both powered by 18650's. my back-up is a fenix p2d, soon (i hope) to be replaced by a nitecore ez123. sometimes the clicky accidently gets turned on in my pocket:duh2:
When I worked for my dad doing electrical work, my favorite lights were the 3 watt l.e.d. Maglite, P.T. EOS or Quad headlights, and the Gerber LX3.0 (that thing is impossible to break, even if you try to). I stopped carrying a lot of lights and my best lights to work after someone stole my backpack full of my best lights, knives, and tools at the jobsite (the guy wasn't one of the workers and snuck in looking for something to steal). Work lights should be those that are built tough, but easily replaceable. You never know when your light will be dropped by a coworker, run over by a car, dropped in a dirty toilet, or stolen. Don't carry lights on the jobsite unless they are locked up or carried on you. A hundred dollar light is too easy to steal at a jobsite, especially the ones small enough to hide in a pocket. While I generally trust my coworkers, for those that make $10 or less an hour, it's tempting to steal something expensive and pawn it for money. I'd rather not give them the temptation.
A Malkoff MD3 body w/ a hi/lo ring running a M60LF powered by some AW 18500 goodness. Goes about 4 weeks between charges and I use it every day.
The Inova T1 rides on my belt (lens down) in a nylon holster everyday. It has easily become my favorite edc since I got hooked on serious flashlights. The 100 lumen output is quite floody, yet still packs a pretty good punch. It's been described by others as "a wall of light". The tint is just on the warm side of neutral, like a creamy vanilla. The rugged knurling makes for a secure grip. And of course, Inova's T-series has a fantastic tailcap forward clickie, one of the best that I've tried.

I've bought, sold, gifted, and traded more than my fair share of lights...but I'll never part with this one.
When I lived and worked as a tankerman in Alaska I used an original Surefire 6P. When I discovered that light... man was I in heaven! Bright, almost an hour of runtime, it went with me everywhere I went (in my pocket). Now as an inspector on jobsites my carry light is still a 6P, bored for 18650's and running an M60W. Great balance between brightness and runtime.

I definitely use my 6P more than all my other lights combined (E2D, E2DL, LX2, L2, L1, E1B, C2, M3, Maglites, etc etc...........)
Where were you a tankerman? I did that ages ago for Yutana Barge Lines and worked for Crowley for a bunch of years.

On the light issue. I am never without one of my edc lights on the job. They go a long time with an AW cell and malkoff!
I do wish I had a low mode on them. Gets a little bright under vehicles or looking at something up close. The only time I run out of light with
these is looking down manholes. For some reason nothing but a super big reflector incan will blast through those.

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I've got a Leatherman holster for my Wave that came in a set that had the little single AA Fenix light re branded as a Letherman light. I use that holster with a Fenix PD30. The Leatherman/Fenix AA light was only 90 lumens. I wrapped the light with black electrical tape to protect is and to be able to put in in my mouth when I need two hands. I may switch it out for a Quark 123x2 neutral light someday. I hear they have more flood than the Fenix which I want and I think I'll like the neutral light for my job a little more.