P4 modded HDS b42 which see use clipped on the bill of my cap pretty often.
I do contract labor, dirt work, handyman, basicly whatever pays right now! I use a K2 modded Novatac 120P. It's tough as nails, droped it 30' from a skylift onto 3/4" plate steel, etc. and it's worked flawlessly for 3? years. Fits in my pocket, always there, never in the way, need more light, it's there, need less light, it's there.
The ONLY reason I modded it is because I was really getting tempted to buy a new RA, but for $30 I could upgrade this one.
The RA lights are supposed to be even tougher, I don' know how or why this is needed, but.........................
Yes it does take a while to get used to carying that much money in your pocke, but you learn what it feels like and when it's gone quick!! I had a hard time with this, even made a lanyard, that got used for a day?
It's a tool, at the end of the day remebe that! How much did you drop on that last cordless combo? You get what you pay for!