Your first light...


Newly Enlightened
Oct 29, 2008
Hey CPFers how many of you actually keep your first light?

I have my first surefire which is a 6p and I am deciding to give it to my father this Christmas. But I am confused if I want to keep my first light or just buy him a new one. Help me out here. Thanks
It all depends I guess. My first light was a maglite which I lost or something. but my first "good" light was a nitecore ex10 and I probably won't give that away. I guess it depends on whether you feel sentimental towards it or not. And also you can always just go to most home depot or lowes to get another one... personally, I would probably buy him a new one if you think he needs that light. also, is your dad going to want a light that takes cr123 batteries?

just a thought.

good luck and happy holidays!
My first lights were ones I got as a child and they are long long lost.

Or do you mean the first light you got after becoming a CPF'er?

Because that 1 I am keeping and modding as many times as I can down thru the years. Unless I loose it too!
My grandfather gave me a 2AA cell Eveready penlight when I was a young boy back in the 1950s. It was this model, but had a red metal body. I don't know where it is now.
my first real good light aside from a blue 2 D mag and matching 2AA mini mag was a Surefire E2D incan. Boy did I love my Surefire E2D. Too bad it was stolen.
my first lights are still with me:-

1st came, Red 3D Mag (stock 3W Mag LED drop in came later);
2nd was Blue AA Minimag with Nite Ize 3-LED drop in;
3rd was nameless 9-LED showerhead, 3xAAA light;
4th Ultrafire C3 single mode

these are all still with me.
First what I thought then was "good" light that I bought myself -

Princeton Tec Blast

Served me very well, and I parted with it while it was on duty, helping at the scene of a very large accident, to be left behind with someone there when I had to leave.
My very first light would have been one of those disposable lights.

I still have my first proper Ash Flash 2D incan from the early 1970s.

Usually a gift to someone like yr dad, its suppose to be something u treasure.

nevertheless, then u will have more reasons to get a newer light :twothumbs

Hey CPFers how many of you actually keep your first light?

I have my first surefire which is a 6p and I am deciding to give it to my father this Christmas. But I am confused if I want to keep my first light or just buy him a new one. Help me out here. Thanks
My first "real" flashlight was a surefire L2 and I never plan on giving it up. Its actually out getting a little upgrade right now. :D
My first real light was my SureFire 6P LED which was a gift from my fiancée last Christmas. I might buy and sell different lights down the road, but my 6PL will be staying. :)

Some food for thought...
A recent forum member was trying to track down his long lost SF 12Z which held sentimental value. You can read about it here:
who bought my 12z off ebay back in 2000?(date edited)

I wouldn't want to that to be me down the road trying to find a long lost 6PL :D
Hey thanks for all of your replies.
I think ill give him my 6P so i have an excuse to get myself a brand new light for Christmas:party:.

I am certain i am going to give him 4 AW's 17670s and a LF 3.7v special LED. So run time and damage to the LED wont be much of a problem.
Still have my round (and now vintage) E1 Executive from about 10 years back. It was my first light with a level of quality that I could consider a illumination tool.
As a kid I had a zillion rayovac and eveready $2.99 Walmart specials...all long gone...
My first 'real' light and the one that started all of this madness was a Brinkmann Maxfire LX. I still have it, but I bought 2 more after getting the first one, so I don't know WHICH one is the FIRST one. Unless they break, I won't ever be giving those up.
My first real light was a 6p that I bought at a gun show about 18 years ago. It has sat on my dresser since I got it. In fact it's been with me longer than most things I own. I think I'll keep it a while longer.