Zebralight H50-Q5 with Fenix P2D Q5 beamshots!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 24, 2007
Perkasie, PA
I was bored tonight and I've always wanted to try mounting a Fenix P2D or P3D to my Zebralight's headband. I've seen others do this. I figured I'd try my P2D Q5 since it's smaller and lighter than a P3D. So here is what the rig looked like (sorry, not going to see me with this on my head, unless you buy me some drinks first):

Control shot, all shots at f2.8, 1 second, ISO 100, WB Daylight:

Zebralight H50-Q5 on LOW (Yeah, not much difference, 1second not long enough to show it):

Zebralight on LOW with Fenix P2D Q5 on LOW (Distance to wall about 10 feet):

Zebralight on HIGH (Total flood, this is more than a "wall of light", this is a "room of light")

Zebralight HIGH and Fenix P2D TURBO:

Just for fun, Zebralight HIGH, P2D Turbo, Dereelight CL1H V2 w/ OP HIGH, Dereelight CL1H V3 smooth reflector HIGH:

To show what the Zebralight actually looks like to my eyes I found an exposure of f2.8, 7 seconds, ISO 100 to look closer to what I see with my semi-night adapted eyes. I had just been sitting infront of my dual monitors, so the low is more useful as your eyes become more adapted to the dark:

Zebralight LOW:

Zebralight MEDIUM:

Zebralight HIGH:

The beam is so wide that my camera's widest setting can't take it all in with me and the camera about 10 feet from the wall. So I just walked up to the wall. Now I'm at an exposure of f/2.8 and 5 seconds so the beam doesn't get blown out.

Zebralight LOW, an arms length (about 3 feet or less) from the wall, and my head is slightly turned to the right, I guess I could have looked straight ahead, oh well. :)

Here is a similar shot with the P2D Q5 on LOW:

Same thing with Zebralight on HIGH:

Here I am stepping back a bit and more straight on, probably 4feet from the wall or so, pretty sure Zebralight is on MEDIUM:

Well, there you have it. I started out just having some fun with the P2D and Zebralight on the same head band, but then I got carried away and took more shots of just the Zebralight. It's such a cool little light I tried to share with everyone how floody the beam is. It's a great light for using as a book light, nice even coverage, and LOW is enough for me, but medium and high would certainly have plenty of punch if needed. :) Lucky for everyone you can get these at fenix-store now. I had to wait a little over 2 weeks from Zebralight to get mine, you can find them here now:


I plan to order one of these for my father for his birthday. I think he'll get a lot of use out of it as he likes to tinker on his HAM radio stuff, etc.

For these shots I was running my Zebralight on a Energizer Lithium AA. NiMH's work great too. It can take 14500's, but it doesn't seem to be optimized for them.
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Camera: Canon S70
ISO Setting: 100
Lens Aperture: F2.8
Exposure: 5 Seconds
White Balance: Day Light
AW 17670 Voltage: ~4.2V
Energizer Lithium Voltage ~1.8V
Distance: 15 Feet

Spill comparison is the intention of this particular beamshot session...
H50-Q5 w/o Anti-Glare Shield vs. G2 + Z44 + Dereelight 3SD Q5 OP...

H50-Q5 - Low...

3SD Q5 - Low...

H50-Q5 - Medium...

3SD Q5 - Medium...

H50-Q5 - High...

3SD Q5 - High...
curse you wade, now i really want a Zebralight, i had already talked myself out of it....:whoopin:


now that fenix-store has it, it will be even harder to resist

Nice beamshots. I ordered the zebralight a couple of days ago, and I am impatient to receive it.
Do the zebralight mounts only fit P2D/CR123 fenix lights and not the AA ones? My g/f has a Zebralight H50 and an L1D Q5 but I think when I tried I was worried about breaking the rubber GITD thing since it didn't seem like the light would fit on its own.
Do the zebralight mounts only fit P2D/CR123 fenix lights and not the AA ones? My g/f has a Zebralight H50 and an L1D Q5 but I think when I tried I was worried about breaking the rubber GITD thing since it didn't seem like the light would fit on its own.

I have exactly this setup. a ZL and an L1D R100 on one headband. Works great.

Dammit, now Fenix-Store is definitely going to get more of my money. Just when I'd told myself no new lights until the new U2.

Oh well...

BTW, awesome pictures. I have the same multi-colored bin rack for my son's toys. Target? :whistle:
BTW, awesome pictures. I have the same multi-colored bin rack for my son's toys. Target? :whistle:

Yeah, pretty sure that came fromTarget. :) I could use another one for my flashlight stuff. :laughing:
Last edited:
Camera: Canon S70
ISO Setting: 100
Lens Aperture: F2.8
Exposure: 5 Seconds
White Balance: Day Light
AW 17670 Voltage: ~4.2V
Energizer Lithium Voltage ~1.8V
Distance: 15 Feet
vs. G2 + Z44 + Dereelight 3SD Q5 OP...

H50-Q5 - Low...

Great beamshots! :) Did you find the Zebralight on low to look brighter in person than it did in your photo? I found it hard to get an exposure that made the low look bright enough, but didn't make the high look too bright. The cameras just don't pick up as well as our eyes. :)

What's cool about the Zebralight is all the accessories it comes with. I'm sure some of the review topics show them all. It's probably one of the most innovative flashlight products I've seen coming out of China. They really just nailed it with their product. From the little glare shield, to the great headband with the rubber light holder than lets you turn it easily, efficient circuit, great beam, very small a light weight, etc. You could take this out with 3 or 4 spare Eneloops and be good for a long time. :)
Cool......when my Zeb turns up I am going to look like Orbital when I am walking my dog.

I made something similar with the band from a Petzl Tikka and my LOD Q4. I removed the top half of the head containing the reflector and attached the light to the band so that I have what amounts to a Zebralight only in flashlight form and with a reflector that can be quickly connected. The LOD already had a great beam but this setup beats the reflector for reading hands down. That's pretty much all that I use it for but when camping season starts up I can see it as a pretty handy around camp/tent light :twothumbs
The zebralight is one of my most favorite lights. Its not the brightest or the smallest or anything else, however the light and package seem the most ingenious. The accesories are great but the light itself is just so unique I love it. So useful.
I just ordered two! I ordered the second one cause I know once I start showing it off, someone in my circle of friends and family will just have to have one. :twothumbs