Zebralight H60


Dec 29, 2003
I got a warranty replacement for my H60 today and it looks like they improved it a bit. The switch assembly can no longer be taken apart (maybe it's sealed better now). The anodizing is a more matte finish (reflector is also anodized, no more shiny part) and i think the tube is a bit longer...like 2mm maybe? Anyone else get a newer version?

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That is very interesting to hear. I have one that proved itself not to be waterproof that I keep meaning to send back. Got a photo?

I just picked this one up... and mine's the same way. My old one had the screws on the switchplate and an aluminum reflector. I don't do dunk tests so I can't comment on the "waterproofiness" of this design, but it's been flawless in operation thus far.
Alright Mr. Fancy, you made my pics look like a little kid took them! :crazy:
I had a H60 which lasted 4 months then it wouldnt switch on Zebralight sent me a new one which was faulty Medium Setting was almost as bright as High 110lm I returned it to Zebralight a new one was sent Same fault its a 3 week wait UK to China so I am not returning again as I expect I will get a faulty one again