Zero Toerance 30X and 121


Newly Enlightened
Dec 11, 2007
Auckland, New Zealand
I really like the look and reputation, not to mention warranty of these blades, but they are not sol here in NZ, so I will have to order online - no problem but I can not handel one, the 121 sounds like a stonger choice, but I prefer the look of the 301 blade...just looks nicer.
I was wondering if anyone has used them, in particular I was wondering how strong the 302 is, I know the 121 is tough as but if I go for the 301/2 I want to know that it can be used with a baton to chop through big stuff and if I stick it into someting and then twist sideways it will not snap, plus make sure it never closes unexpectedly on my fingers (I have had this happen before).

The other thing I was wondering is this, I have seen a youtube video of someone chopping a drink bottle full of water in half with one swip of the 121, anyone tried this with the 302? does it work?
I really like the look and reputation, not to mention warranty of these blades, but they are not sol here in NZ, so I will have to order online - no problem but I can not handel one, the 121 sounds like a stonger choice, but I prefer the look of the 301 blade...just looks nicer.
I was wondering if anyone has used them, in particular I was wondering how strong the 302 is, I know the 121 is tough as but if I go for the 301/2 I want to know that it can be used with a baton to chop through big stuff and if I stick it into someting and then twist sideways it will not snap, plus make sure it never closes unexpectedly on my fingers (I have had this happen before).

The other thing I was wondering is this, I have seen a youtube video of someone chopping a drink bottle full of water in half with one swip of the 121, anyone tried this with the 302? does it work?
Detailed review on the 0300 here:

You really can't go wrong with any of these models, they are the toughest production knives money can buy. ZT is truly serious about making high quality heavy duty tools. Those things are made to take a beating, they are meant to be used, not stored on the shelf.

By the way, if you want a fixed blade that is even tougher than the 0210, then the 0100 model is exactly what you are looking for. This beast is made of CPM-3V tool steel, a high-end steel which is very similar to the legendary Busse's INFI steel. A reviewer tried to break this knife and didn't suceed at it... He even shot it with a Glock!

Knife Works has great prices on ZT knives and they ship overseas: