Zoo lights


Nov 14, 2001
LOCO is more like it.
So there we were walking around the San Diego zoo for six hours. I couldn't help noticing all the little semi-spherical path lights that were everywhere. I finally managed to crawl up to one, and what did I find? 20 5mm LEDs! Sure we were there to see the pandas, but most of my shots were of these lights. Very difficult to photograph these, seeing as how everybody had to step over me to continue on the panda viewing path. So here's a shot with all the distracting pandas cropped out.

I'm just thrilled to see LEDs used in this fashion. Wish I was there at night to see how well they did, but I can already imagine. There must be many, many thousands of these fixtures throughout the zoo.

Since they were only 8" off the ground, I had trouble getting just the right angle, but this gives a pretty good idea of what they're like even with the ugly reflection. (can you picture me flat on my belly taking this shot in the middle of the panda exhibit? Niether could my wife, who grabbed our daughter and ran when she heard me mumble "Cool! LEDs!") The aluminum trim was a nice touch as well. The lens seems to be a very thick glass dome. Bet you could kick the crap out of these without anything breaking. I was pushing my luck already, and didn't test that theory.
Nice - glad to hear that you don't let little things like public embarassment get in the way of documenting your find.

How long did it take before your wife admitted she knew you?
"That guy lying on the ground taking a photo of the light? Nope, never seen him before in my life.."

I'm pretty sure this is why my wife kept her last name, and we used her last name for our daughter as well. Makes disowning me that much easier.
Well, I won't comment on Darells last name - but mine is at least comparable - Bell.
Yep, the name is Graham Bell. No relation.

Actually Chinese and Japanese names can be quite interesting - they usually mean something (unlike Bell, which is well, bell). My fiances' surname means round rock. Can't beat that.

I have to admit, Graham. I totally thought you were hiding behind an alias when I heard you were "Graham Bell." Did your parents realize the name's significance?
Hey, did I mention that on Cathay Pacific first and business class they use led arrays as reading lights?

Pics here:





An oft-posed question. But no, they just thought it sounded good ('had a nice ring to it', har har. Like I haven't heard *that* one before..I've heard 'em all)

Ahh, if I had $1 or two for every time I'd heard "Any relation to the telephone guy" or "Your middle name isn't Alexander is it?"
I'd be pretty well off.


How many LEDs are there in that array? Hard to tell, but looks like about 12.. is it quite bright?

But the more important question is, what were you doing in business class (or first class???) Didn't know you were such a high-flyer..or were you the lucky recipient of a free upgrade?

YC - and did you get the same strange looks that I got when you whipped your camera out to take the shots?

Neat light! I want a couple for the bedroom... provided they could be purchased without the plane.
Nice photos and thanks for including the Arc AAA for scale reference. I think Graham is on with his estimate of 12 LED's and I'll guess further that the NSPW300 series was used (yeah to the underdogs). I wonder if the POC LSD was used as well. YC, next flight you may need to do some exploritory surgery :)
Virgin Atlantic had something similar with one red central LED in first class (I got bumped up). Also had an LED light under the seat in front of you so you'd find all your belongings.

That was one of the things that got me more interested in LED lights.

Should we change the thread title to Zoo and Plane lights?


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rlhess:

Should we change the thread title to Zoo and Plane lights?
Nahhhh. I usually feel like I'm on a cattle car when I fly anyway. Zoo....cattle. It's all the same to me. But then you guys are all talking about your fancy business and 1st class upgrades. The closest I've ever come to fist class is walking through it to my crappy seat in the back. They probably even have better life rafts up there too, don't they? With individual little tri-cluster reading lights on Lockline stalks?
darell stars a thread on zoo lights and we end up talking about planes can the moderator please put us back on topic.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by darell:
I'm pretty sure this is why my wife kept her last name, and we used her last name for our daughter as well. Makes disowning me that much easier.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh man, that is NOT a good sign!